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PAGE w w 毕 业 设 计 设计题目: 曲柄压力机传动方案与机身设计 学 生: 指导教师: 学 院: 专 业: 年6月16日 曲柄压力机传动方案与机身设计 摘??要 ?? ?曲柄压力机是一种最常用的冷冲压设备,用作冷冲压模具的工作平台。曲柄压力机是最主要的锻压设备。它的工作原理是:电机带动皮带轮运转,经齿轮传动减速,然后带动轴转动,利用曲轴使其带动冲头上下往复运动,达到冲压地目的。在设计过程中,首先查阅了有关曲柄压力机的资料,了解了高速压力机的工作原理及发展现状,然后根据高速压力机的设计方案要求,确定了该压力机的机械部分设计地最佳方案,并对选择的带轮、齿轮等零件进行了校核计算,最后用CAD绘图软件绘制了曲柄压力机的总装图和主要零部件图。 关键词:压力机; 带传动 ;齿轮传动 Crank pressure engine drive plan and fuselage design Abstract The crank press are one kind of most commonly used cold stamping equipment, serves as the cold stamping mold's working platform. Mechanical press is the most important forgingequipment。Its working principle is: Motor driven pulley operation, After reduction box Slowdown,Then driven rotational axis,Use of eccentric gear,It led to-head under the reciprocating,To achieve the aim of stamping。In the process of the design, at first, Access to high-speed presses on the information,to understand the High-speed presses of its operation and the development present situation,then, according to the fuselage design proposal request,Determining the mechanical design of the press and the best option,And choose the pulley, gear and other parts were calculated Checking,Finally, using CAD software draw the assemble diagram and related part diagrams of the machine.Key word: press machine;belt drive; gear drive Key words: press; has the transmission; gear drive. 目 录 摘要 Abstract TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc233880487" 1绪论 PAGEREF _Toc233880487 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc233880488" 1.1课题背景 PAGEREF _Toc233880488 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc233880489" 1.2 研究的意义 PAGEREF _Toc233880489 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc2338804



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