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环状部件内外表面同步抛光机的研制 于志明, 牛云松, 胡家秀 ( 中国科学院金属研究所 金属腐蚀与防护国家重点实验室, 辽宁 阳 110016) : 对于形状复杂且具有特殊要求的工件, 目前主要以手工抛光为主, 因而工件很难获得均 的 表面质量本文介绍了一种新研制的环状部件内外表面同步抛光机, 描述了其结构和特点, 论述了抛光 加工的主要工艺和操作规程, 并通过离子氮化后卡套的抛光照片和断面扫描电镜照片验证了其具有加工 质量高的特点该抛光机有较高的抛光效率和精度, 可对环状部件内外表面同步抛光, 成本低占地面积 小, 可适用于大小环状部件连续生产化的精密抛光 : 环状部件; 抛光; 表面质量; 同步 : T G 176 : B Design of Synchronized Polishing Machine for the Inner and Outer Surface of Ringcomponent Y U Zhiming , NIU Yunsong, HU Jiaxiu ( Ke Laborator of M etal Corrosion and Protection, Metal Research Institute of Chinese Academ of Sciences, Shen ang 1100 16, China) Abstract:In the modern polishing technolog , manual polishing is still the main method for the complex workpiece w ith special requirements, which is difficult to get high and uniform surface qualit . In this paper, t he s nchronized polishing machine for inner and outer surface of ringcomponent w as designed. T he structure and character of this machine, as well as the main craft and operating instructions, w ere introduced in t his paper . And it is verified that the processing qualit of this polishing machine is ex cellent b the polishing image and the SEM image of ferrules after ionic nitrogenization processing. It also has high polishing efficienc and precision, w ith the s nchronizing polishing characteristic to the inner and outer sur face. W ith the merits of low cost and a litt le occupation area, it can be applied in the precise polishing of different sizes of ringcomponent in the continuous production. Key words: Ringcom ponent, Polish, Surface qualit , S nchronized , , [ 1] 1 , 1. 1 1~ 3 , , ,



