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【标题】广告英语中的模糊修辞 【作者】徐利平 【关键词】广告;模糊修辞;构成形式;功能 【指导老师】鲁晓权 【专业】英语 【正文】 I. Introduction It is of no doubt that advertising permeates our modern life and exerts a considerable influence in our society. Whenever we open a newspaper or a magazine, turn on the TV, surf on the internet, or even walk around the city streets,we are confronted with advertisements. The importance of the advertising is well known in today’s economic society. The wide use of advertising has created a special style of English—advertising English, which plays a vital part of communication and persuasion. And we know that in our daily life, vague language has been employed in communication on various occasions. So it is with the advertising English. Vagueness function in advertising English plays a positive role in human communication. Vagueness is just as important as precision in language and remains an underdeveloped area, but one that is important to be explored. People have many beliefs about language?.One important belief is that language was a set of symbols with exact meanings referring to exact things and that precision in language use were?“good” while imprecision or vagueness was?“bad” and should be avoided. However, in this world which is full of various, sophisticated phenomena, precise language is not enough for us to express them or ourselves. Thus, as a pervasive characteristic of language,there is no reason to think that vagueness can or should be eliminated. Vagueness plays a vital role in human communication in a long period, nevertheless,it is neglected and even misunderstood by people.It is not thought seriously until the fuzzy sets theory was put forward by Zadeh in 1960s.1 With the development of this theory, more and more scientists turn to show their interests on this phenomena, and there emerged a?“fuzziness rush” in several scopes—literary criticism, linguistics, psychology and philosophy. As a matter of fact,the aim of advertising language is not only to convey the


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