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2011年12月英语四级预测话题作文汇总 为了考生在英语四级作文上拿到最理想的分数,为你准备了2011年12月英语四级预测话题作文汇总,供参考。Drunk Driving   1. 现象   2. 原因   3. 你的看法   【精彩范文】    Drunk Driving    Most countries in the world have harsh laws aimed at penalizing drunk driving. But until recent years, drunk driving was rampant in China, due to weak legal provisions and enforcement. The past decade has witnessed tremendous increase in the number of motor vehicles, most of which are private cars. The lack of legal traditions targeted at drunk driving and people’s lack of legal awareness have given rise alarming traffic casualties as a result of drunk driving.    Drunk driving has created traffic accidents whose implications extend far beyond the traffic realm. In many cases, the drunken drivers are high-ranking government officials or wealthy businessmen who could use their influence, privileges, connections and bribes to get off unpunished. This has occasioned serious social problems because justice is not done and the value of the lives of ordinary people is not duly respected. Those problems in turn contribute to the already widening inequalities between the poor and the rich in the Chinese society, to such an extent that only the institution and the enforcement of the most stringent laws can answer to the rising public complaints.    According to the law introduced since May 1 this year, anybody guilty of drunk driving would be severely fined, subjected to a 6-month detention, and deprived of his driving license. I am totally in favor of this law because it has dramatically reduced cases of drunk driving. Having committed drunk driving, wealthy businessmen, high-ranking government officials, and celebrated musicians have been arrested, sued for criminal offenses, and sentenced. All these indicate that no one is above law, which ruthlessly enforced, would benefit all of us.   【参考译文】   醉驾入刑   世界上大多数国家都有严酷的法律,旨在惩处酒后驾车。但直至最近几年,酒后驾车在中国一直甚为猖獗,原因在于无论是所制定的法规,还是执法活动本身,都过于薄弱。过去的十年目睹了机动车数量的迅猛增长,其中大多是私家车。针对酒后驾车行为,相关法律传统的缺失,以


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