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汉字基本笔画 The basic strokes of Chinese characters 笔画名称name 拼音 Pinyin 例? 字example 笔画名称name 拼音 Pinyin 例? 字example 丶 点 D 乛 横?钩 H 一 横 一 干 王  横 折 钩 H 丨 竖 S 横折弯钩 H 丿 撇 P 横撇弯钩 H 捺 N ㄋ 横折折折钩 H 提 T 竖折折钩 Shù ㄑ 撇? 点 P 竖??? 弯 Shù し 竖? 提 Shù 农 辰 旅 横折 弯 H 横折提 H 论 说 讲 ┐ 横??? 折 H 亅 弯? 钩 W ∟ 竖??? 折 Shù 亅 竖? 钩 Shù ㄥ 撇??? 折Piě zhé 云 私 幼 乚 竖弯钩 Shù 横??? 撇 H 斜? 钩 X 横折折撇 H 卧? 钩 W 竖折 撇 Shù 汉字书写规则 The rules of writing Chinese characters 笔顺,就是写字的笔画的先后顺序。所有汉字都是由基本笔画(点、横、竖,撇、折)构成的,先写什么,后写什么,是有一定的规律的。 The orders of strokes are the sequences of the strokes when you write the Chinese characters. All the characters are formed with the basic strokes .It has a definite rule that which stroke should be written first , and which should be written secondly . 一、基本规则:(The basic rules ) 1、从上到下(From the top to the bottom) ,如“言、主、三、草”等。 2、从左到右(From the left to the right),如“衍、州、好、故”等。 3、先横后竖(The Héng before the Shù) ,如“正、喜、十、丁”等。 4、先撇后捺(The Piě before the Nà),如“衣、人、分、文”等。 5、先外后内(The outside before the inside),如“周、母、问、闻”等。 6、先进后关(The last Héng is written after the inside came in ) ,如“国、围、回”等。 7、先中间后两边(The middle before the both sides),如“水、小、办”等。 二、补充规则:(The complements) 1、关于“点”(丶)的书写顺序:The orders of the diǎn(丶) (1)点在上、左,就先写,(Write the diǎn (丶) at first if it is on the top or top left corner. ) 如“义、主、头、为”等。 (2)点在内、右上,就后写,(Write the diǎn (丶) at last if it is inside or bettom right corner. )如“叉、瓦、栽、试”等。 2、关于两面包围结构的字的书写顺序:The orders of the characters some parts surrounding them in two sides (1)上右、上左包围结构的,先外后里,(Write the outsides first if something surround on the right top or the left top,)如“司、勺、氧、斤、房、床”等。这种规则中,“戈、弋”偏旁的除外,如“戒、或、式、贰”等。以“式”为例,其书写顾序是:“一→工→式”。 (2)左下包围结构的,先里后外,(Write the insides first if something surround at left bottom,)如“辶”偏旁的“过、这、边”等,以及“廴”偏旁的“延、建、廷”等。这种规则中“毛、走、鬼、风、是”等偏旁的字除外,如“毡、赵、魅、飕、题”等字都是先外后内,这类字在汉字中的数量是很少的,而且特点突出,很容易掌握。 3、关于三包围结构的字的书写顺序:The orders of the characters some parts surrounding them in three sides (1)缺口向上的,先里后外,(Write


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