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去年开放的、位于顺德的生态公园是广东省的一个新旅游景点。这个公园的建立,既符合生态规律,又展示了当地独特的生态农业。 耗资3亿元人民币建成的这个生态公园,占地面积200万平方米,是中国第一个以生态环境保护为中心的特色公园。它把当地的自然生态环境与旅游度假、文化娱乐、生产以及环境保护相结合,目前已经开放的是耗资900万元的第一期工程。 The Shunde Eco-park, opened at the end of last year, is a new tourist attraction in Guangdong Province, built in line with ecological principles and displaying the local unique eco-agriculture. Built at a cost of 300 million yuan, the park covers nearly 2 million square meters and is the country’s first theme park that centers on ecological environmental protection. It integrates the local natural eco-environment with sightseeing, holidays, culture, entertainment, production and environmental protection. The part that has been opened is the first-phrase project built with an investment of 9 million yuan. 南京市是中国著名的七大古都之一。秦淮河是它最典型的景点之一。秦淮河号称十里之长,一直是江苏省商贾云集、市肆繁华之地。 Nanjing is one of the seven ancient Chinese capitals. One of its most famous spots is the Qinhuai River. The Qinghuai River, about five kilometers long, has always been a business and cultural center for Jiangsu Province. 扬州距南京95公里,约两小时车程。扬州是一座风景园林城市,以瘦西湖著名。瘦西湖位于西郊,因湖面瘦长、风景秀丽而得名。 Yangzhou, 95 km from Nanjing, can be reached by bus in two hours. There are many beautiful lakes and gardens in Yangzhou, the best known of which is Shouxihu. Located in the western suburbs of the city, the lake got its name because of its narrow shape and beautiful scenery. 无锡以太湖胜迹、鱼米之乡、经济发达、人文荟萃四大特点,名列全国10个旅游重点城市之内。 Wuxi is known for its attractive Taihu Lake, advanced economy, a fertile “land of fish and rice” and a collection of talents. It is one of the 10 key tourist sites in China. 贫穷总是伴随着干旱等艰难的自然条件,这就使得在干旱地区发展有效用水的农业特别重要。 Poverty always goes hand in hand with aridity and other difficult natural conditions and this has made it all the more important to develop agriculture in these regions which uses water efficiently. 若取消配额,降低关税,打开市场,国内化肥业将和其他化学部门一样遭受严重的冲击。 If quotas are removed, tariffs lowered, and the market opened up, the fertilizer industry, like other ch


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