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本 科 毕 业 论 文 题目论中国彩电行业参与国际竞争的形势与对策 系 别 经济系 专 业 国际经济与贸易 学生姓名 学 号 指导教师 职 称 2011 年 4 月 15 日 论中国彩电行业参与国际竞争的形势与对策 摘 要 彩电行业是我国经济发展中的重要行业,对于国民经济的促进,人民生活水平的提高有重要的作用;也是我国参与国际贸易中不可或缺的一部分,促进了我国产品的出口。随着经济全球化的发展和我国加入WTO,彩电行业迎来了更广阔的发展时代,同时国际竞争也随之激烈起来,也给彩电行业带来了巨大的挑战。本文首先介绍了我国彩电行业发展中存在的优势,介绍了我国当前彩电行业的发展前景;其次又总结了影响我国彩电行业发展的劣势,包括企业核心技术缺失,和自身能力不足等。通过列举这些问题,看出了我国彩电行业的不足之处,要利用国家提供的优惠政策;加快对核心技术的研发;树立正确的思想路线,把握好当前的国际形势,建立国际化的大企业,才能在国际竞争中取得巨大成就。 关键词:反倾销;品牌;核心技术;竞争优势 ABSTRACT Color TV industry is the important industry of Chinas economic development, on the national economy and promote the improvement of peoples living standard has important role; China is involved in international trade, and promote an integral part of our product export. Along with the development of economic globalization and Chinas entry into the WTO, color TV industry received wide development era, and international competition has heated up, also give color TV industry has brought a huge challenge. This paper first introduced the existing in our TV industry development, introduces the advantages of the current TV industry development prospects; Secondly and summarized the influence of the development of our TV industry, including enterprise core technology disadvantage, and their own lack of ability is insufficient, etc. By listing these problems, see our color TV industry deficiency, to use countries to provide preferential policies; Speed up the development of core technology; Sets up the correct ideological line, grasp the current international situation, setting up the big enterprise internationalization in international competition, can achieve great success. Key words:anti-dumping;brand;core technology;competitive edge 目 录 1前言 1 2我国彩电行业概况 1 2.1我国彩电市场环境 1 2.2我国彩电行业发展前景 2 3我国彩电行业参与国际竞争的优势 2 3.1国家政策间接影响彩电行业 3 3.2“中国制造”优势 3 3.3成本价格优势 4 4我国彩电行业参与国际竞争的劣势与存在的问题 4 4.1核心技术缺失及创新能力不足 4 4.2企业能力不足 5 4.2.1产品营销能力不足…


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