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指纹识别算法研究 摘要 随着计算机和网络的迅速发展,人们对身份认证的准确性、安全性与实用性提出了更高的要求。基于生物特征识别的智能身份认证技术也逐渐受到广泛的关注。在众多的生物识别技术中,指纹识别技术是发展最早、应用最广泛的一种。指纹识别技术充分利用了指纹的普遍性、唯一性和永久性的生物特征,已逐步取代了传统的基于标志和数字的识别方式,目前在网络、银行、金融、医疗和安检等行业均得到了广泛应用。本文对指纹识别系统的原理和基本过程进行了分析研究,重点研究了指纹图像预处理算法,并且进行了验证。 在指纹图像预处理部分,论文对预处理的各个步骤包括规格化、图像分割、中值滤波、二值化、细化等以及各个步骤的方法进行了深入的分析和研究,选择了一种图像预处理方案。 在指纹特征提取部分,采用基于Matlab实现的指纹细节特征提取方法,并给出了去伪算法。指纹特征提取是从细化后的指纹图中得到细节特征点(即端点和分叉点),此特征点含有大量的伪特征,既耗时又影响匹配精度。采用了边缘去伪和距离去伪,使得特征点去伪前后减小了近1/3,然后提取可靠特征点信息,以便实现指纹匹配。 在指纹匹配部分,本文采用基于细节点的指纹匹配算法,并进行研究。 关键词 指纹识别;预处理;特征提取;匹配 Fingerprint Recognition Algorithm Abstract With the rapid Progress of computer science and network technique,An accurate,secure and practical techno1ogy of Personal identification becomes more and more important. Technology of Personal identification based on Biometrics has received extensive attention. Technology of Fingerprint recognition is the earliest one and is app1ied widely in the all techniques of biometrics recognition, then is taking full advantage of the universality, uniqueness and permanency of the fingerprint, and gradually has taken place of traditional identification method that is based on symbol and number. Nowadays the technology of fingerprint identification is fully used in network, bank, finance, insurance and security. This paper research the basic principles and process of the fingerprint identification system,and focus on the pre-processing algorithms of fingerprint image and finally verify. In the fingerprint image processing section, thesis on preprocessing steps including specifications, image segmentation, median filtering, binarization, refinement, and so on, and each step of the way to in-depth analysis and research, is an image processing program. Part of the fingerprint feature extraction, fingerprint-based Matlab implementation details of feature extraction methods, and gives to the pseudo-algorithm. Fingerprint feature extraction is refined to get the details of fingerprint feature points (the endpoin


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