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相爱使我终生的幸福! 春天的那些事 The tree of life is evergreen 让我们先看一个电视的图片,感受一下爱的真谛! The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge Life is a flower of which love is the honey 小样,贼眉鼠眼的!不过长的挺漂亮的! Love makes the world go round 他太帅了!我爱死了! Love gives itself, it is not bought. The supreme happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved Love is life in its fullness like the cup with its wine. Love and a cough can not be hidden Whom we love best to them , we can say least. 这首歌好美呀!让我陶醉其中! Sweetest joy , the wildest woe is love . 爱使人感到美好! Love is an achievement not easy to attain. 小傻瓜!你也不主动一点!让我很尴尬! Love asks faith, and faith asks firmness. 幸福的感觉,真是妙不可言!你们别羡慕吆! I hate and love . 小傻瓜,我希望你在我之前老去! True Love never grows old 一直盯着人家,是不是发现越来越爱人家了! Love free as air at sight of human ties, spreads his light . 妈,你别说了,不管怎样,人家就是帅! Love cannot be compelled. 你难道不知道我有多爱你吗! The man who gets angry suffers more than the person who is the object of his wrath . 你小子风流完了!上我这里干什么!我可是淑女!!! Pain and pleasure ,like light and darkness, succeed each other. 小叶同志真误会了!我就是再傻,也不会找个比她丑的呀! Forgotten is forgiven. Anger is a wind which blows out the lamp of the mind . 你还敢说我,你两在这干嘛呢!这可是众目睽睽之下呀! The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself . 小叶怎么搞得!那男的长的也太屎啦! First love is unforgettable all one’s life . 原来他还是喜欢我呀!小子,和我在一起是你的福气! For you see ,each day I love you more. Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow. 我有男朋友了,哈哈,其他的坏小子别再打我的注意了! Love is love’s reward 他不喜欢我了!幸好本姑娘天生丽质,还可以上其他地方混混! Happiness means being content with what you have now . 没想到他开摩托车的姿势这麽帅!我太幸运了! 本人的理解: 我长得太丑了!没有美女喜欢我!呜呜。 On the way of life , do as you like- cry or laugh. Life is a jest , And all things shown it . I thought so once ;but now I know it . The difficulty in life is the choice. Nothing is easier than to deceive oneself. It is always darkest just before the day dawned . 我的眼里只有迷茫!我分不清方向!如在广袤的大海,如在昏光的桥头! Human suffering is mostly made by man himself ! 单身的你可要小心单身的我吆! That’s all thank you ! 你们笑话我!不和你们玩了! 是你小子也太花了


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