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大学生失业保障制度分析 【摘 要:1999年高校扩张以来,大学生就业形势日趋严峻,已成社会关注热点。大学生的就业问题近年来一直是关注的焦点。十届全国人大四次会议上,吴江林曾建议财政拨款帮助大学生购买失业保险交纳失业保障金,毕业后不能就业的大学生到劳动就业机构进行失业登记,享受失业保险待遇。今两会期间,全国政协委员提出将大学生纳入失业保险,建立大学生失业保险制度,保障毕业生的基本生活。关键词: 大学生;就业现状;失业原因;社会保障对策?Analysis of Students unemployment security system Abstract: the situation is worsening since the expansion of the state university in 1999, the employment of university students, has now become the focus of attention. The employment problem of college students in recent years has been the focus of attention of the state and society. The fourth meeting of the Tenth National People's Congress, the National Committee Wujiang Lin had suggested that: if there is no financial provision thus helping students indirect purchase of unemployment insurance and to pay basic unemployment insurance, employment of college students after graduation so do not give the registered unemployment protection, can not enjoy the college students unemployment insurance benefits to the institutions of the labor and Employment. During the two sessions this year, the country's CPPCC members put forward the college students into the ranks of the unemployment insurance, the establishment of a viable college students unemployment insurance system to protect the basic livelihood of unemployed graduates. University of China in recent years the number of graduates continue to surge, has appeared in the employment situation is grim and widespread unemployment, social problems, unemployment insurance system is imperative for College Students. However, the current college established unemployment protection system in general there are some shortcomings, which need to be further explore the analysis. Keywords: college students; employment status; causes of unemployment; social security; countermeasures 目 录 1 建立大学生失业保险制度的意义和必要性 4 2 研究大学生失业的背景 5 2.1 毕业生人数增加,就业形式严峻造成失业 5 2.2 结构性的矛盾是造成大学毕业生就业难的根本性原因 5 3 我国的大学生失业保障制度存在的不足及可行化对策 6 3.1 大学生的失业保障制度的不足 6 3.1.1 我国现阶段大学生的失业保障制度包括失业保险制度和失业救助制度 6 3.1.2


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