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正确把握目标认真临床实践 Zengrenjie 成都军区总医院药学部 zengrenjie@ 028 提纲 国内外药师医疗化临床化趋势 当代药师成功关键因素 中国药师现状分析 一年培训的重点探讨 ASHP-2015 GOALS Increase the extent to which pharmacists help individual hospital inpatients achieve the best use of medications (促进药师帮助住院病人实现最佳用药) Increase the extent to which health-system pharmacists help individual non-hospitalized patients achieve the best use of medications. (促进医疗系统药师帮助社区病人达到最佳用药) Increase the extent to which health-system pharmacists actively apply evidence-based methods to the improvement of medication therapy. (促进医疗系统药师应用循证医学方法改善药物治疗) Increase the extent to which pharmacy departments in health systems have a significant role in improving the safety of medication use. (促进医疗系统药剂科对安全用药发挥重要角色) Increase the extent to which health systems apply technology effectively to improve the safety of medication use. (促进医疗系统应用有效技术改善安全用药) Increase the extent to which pharmacy departments in health systems engage in public health initiatives on behalf of their communities. (促进医疗系统药剂科从社区利益出发,主动参与公共保健.) 2004年th64th FIP(美国新奥尔良) 患者与药师-新医疗团队中的核心 The Patient and the Pharmacist – The Heart of the New Healthcare Team. The 64th FIP 主席Jean Parrot在开幕式致辞中说: 鼓励药师更多参与医疗工作 “我请求各国的药学组织能够鼓励他们的药师在这一领域采取行动,让我们的同事与国际防治AIDS计划的代表们一起,寻求优化使用各种现有资源的方法,以便于支持各自国家里患者们的医疗保健。” I ask all national Pharmaceutical Associations to encourage their members to take action in this area: let our colleagues, together with the representatives of international anti-AIDS programmers, seek the means to optimize the use of all resources available to support the patients’ healthcare in their countries. the64thFIP 主席Jean Parrot在开幕式致辞中说: 强调药师在医疗体系中的新作用。 I would now like to emphasize the new role of pharmacists in health systems. FIP很早就清楚地宣布对药学服务工作的支持。为了提高保健关怀的 效率,我们应该保持与医务人员之间的密切合作。 Very early and very clearly, FIP declared itself to be in favor of the development of pharmaceutical services. We insist that close co-operation between healt



