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Objective of Workshop • Understand Characteristics of Major Account Selling Strategies in Whole Lifecycle, thus to + Shorten bid-to-win ratio + Shorten selling cycles + Minimize discounts and negotiated concessions + Establish clear, unique business value with the customers + Reduce selling costs through more effective sales strategies + Increase sales per employee - Develop expected relationship with the customers. Eg. Strategic Partnership etc. Agenda • Day 1 + How the Customer Make Decisions + SPIN Question Strategy + Account Entry Strategy + Understand Your Customer Their Business + How to Make Your Customers Need You • Day 2 + Influence the customer’s choice + Differentiation Vulnerability + Overcoming Final Fears + Sales Negotiation + How to Ensure Continued Success 客户是如何做决策的 How Customer Make Decisions • The Research Base • The Customer Decision Process • Account Strategy in the Recognition of Needs Phase • Account Strategy in the Evaluation of Options Phase • Account Strategy in the Resolution of Concerns Phase • Account Strategy in the Implementation Phase • Summary Overview of Major Account Sales Strategy • Sales Strategy should be about customers and how to influence them. + Understanding and Well Prepared are mandatory to form a effective sales strategy • Customer Behavior goes through three distinct phases in making a major purchasing decisions + Recognition of Needs + Evaluation of Options + Resolution of Concerns • A fourth phase, follow-up in implementation phases, if it is well handled, can generate significant additional sales opportunities. • Each of four phases required a different set of strategies and skills. What is Sales Strategy What is Major Account • Sales Strategy + A way of thinking and


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