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摘 要 离合器是拖拉机传动系中的重要部件,主要功用是切断和实现发动机对传动系的动力传递,保证拖拉机平稳起步,保证传动系统换挡时工作平顺以及限制传动系统所承受的最大转矩,防止传动系统过载,有效的降低传动系统中的振动和噪声。 为满足拖拉机动力性的要求,本设计在分析离合器功用类型性能要求基础上,确定了TY220型拖拉机离合器的设计方案,并对离合器的主要零部件(摩擦盘和碟形弹簧)进行了设计和计算,最后对离合器摩擦副所产生滑磨功进行了验算。此设计说明书详细的说明了离合器的结构形式,参数选择以及计算过程。参数选择主要为摩擦片内外径D1、D2的确定,离合器后备系数β的确定,单位压力q的确定。总成设计主要为:压盘的设计,以及从动盘的设计和碟形弹簧的设计等。 本设计思路对其他类型拖拉机及汽车离合器的设计也是适应的。 关键词:离合器 碟形弹簧 从动盘 压盘 摩擦片 ABSTRACT The clutch is an important component of the tractor transmission lines. Its main function is to cut off and the engine power transmission on the transmission system, to ensure the tractor smooth start-up and transmission shift smooth. And it limits the transmission system to withstand the maximum torque to prevent the transmission system overload. It is effective to reduce vibration and noise in the transmission system. In order to satisfy the requirement of the tractor, this article determined the design-plan of clutches for TY220 tractor, designed and calculated the major parts of clutches (drive system and disc spring), which is based on analyzing the functions types and performances required of the clutches. Finally, this article checked the friction work of tractor clutches. This design manual explains in detail the structure of the clutch, the parameter selection and calculation process. Parameter selection to determine the friction plate outer diameter D1, D2, clutch reserve coefficient β, the determination of the unit pressure q. Assembly design as follows: pressure plate design, as well as the follower plate and the design of disc spring etc. The design idea also adapts the design of other types of tractor and automobile clutch. Key words: clutch disc spring drive plate driven plate Friction plate 目录 摘要 I ABSTRACT II 前言 1 第1章 绪论 2 1.1 离合器的功用和要求 2 1.2离合器的类型 2 第2章 离合器主要参数的确定 6 2.1离合器储备系数β的确定 6 2.2离合器摩擦片内外径D1、D2的确定 8 第3章 离合器的接合过程和滑摩功验算 9 3.1 离合器的接合过程 9 3.2 滑磨功验算 10 第4章 离合器主要零件的计算和结构设计 13 4.1 从动盘 13 4.2压紧弹簧 15 结束语 18 参考文献 19 致谢 20 前言 离合器是



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