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摘 要 我国改革的成功举世瞩目,关键就在于选择了渐进式改革道路。渐进式改革 道路是适合中国国情、从中国实际出发而产生的正确道路。渐进式改革思想是 邓小平理论的重要组成部分。本文从渐进式改革的概念界定、邓小平选择渐进 式改革的社会历史条件及主要原因、邓小平渐进式改革思想的基本内容、邓小 平渐进式改革思想的当代价值及其意义等四个方面入手,分析了邓小平摒弃“休 克疗法”,选择渐进式改革的内在逻辑。在此基础上,将中国式的渐进式改革与 前苏联、东欧的渐进式改革加以对比,突出邓小平在渐进式改革实施策略上的 独特性设计。渐进式改革包括经济体制改革、政治体制改革和社会其它方面的 改革。渐进式改革有着强有力的保障系统,从而使改革取得了成功。邓小平采 用渐进式改革方式,是基于他对社会主义初级阶段基本国情的全面了解、对社 会主义改革的理性思考及总结革命和建设的经脸教训后得出的正确结论。从中 反映了邓小平对我国国情的深刻理解和准确把握,以及他对待外国的理论、经 验、模式的科学态度。正确的渐进式改革道路和科学的实施策略,为我国渐进 式改革成功奠定了基础。邓小平渐进式改革的成功,其影响是广泛而深远的。 关键词:改革; 渐进式改革; 邓小平 1 Abstract The success of China's reform becomes the focus of world attention, the key reason is the gradual reform method is chosen to implement. The gradual reform method is well suited to China's condition, meanwhile, is generated from the real situation of China. The gradual reform method is important constituent of Deng Xiaoping Theory. In this paper, according to the four main aspects, the concept of gradual reform method, the reason why Deng Xiaoping choose gradual reform method, the content of Deng Xiaoping's reform, and the significance of Deng Xiaoping gradual reform method, it focuses on the analysis of internal logic of the reason why Deng Xiaoping abandon "shock therapy " and choose the gradual reform. Based on the previous introduction, the relationship of the gradual reform between China, former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe will be contrasted in the paper; the target is to spire the unique of Deng Xiaoping's method. Gradual reform in


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