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摘 要 我国基础设施建设正处于高速发展时期,加强对建设项目进行全过程质量管理,合理、有效利用和分配有限的建设资金投入,在不变规模、标准、工期和节约投资成本条件下,保证工程质量,以提高建设项目的社会效益。虽然,我们已经建立了全过程质量管理的理念,认识到全过程质量管理的必要性,但仍存在许多问题,影响了全过程质量管理的有效开展。目前在我国的建设领域仍存在着工程质量不过关工程。这些现象均与建设项目各个阶段质量失控有着必然的联系。由于建设项目本身具有投资额大、建设周期长的特点,决定了建设项目工程质量管理必须建立一个全过程、全方位的管理体系。本文通过分析当前我国建设项目中普遍存在的质量管理问题,探索如何搞好全过程质量管理的方法和途径,以促进建设项目质量管理的科学化,提高建设项目质量。 作为建设工程产品的工程项目,投资和消耗的人工、材料和能源都相当大,建筑施工项目质量的优劣一方面关系到工程使用,关系到人民生命财产的安全和社会的安定,另一方面关系到企业的生存,所以把质量管理放在头等地位是当务之急。因此,研究如何加强工程项目质量管理有着重要的现实意义。 本文针对项目质量管理这一个系统工程,对如何提高我国项目质量管理进行了初步的研究。首先分析了质量管理的发展现状,介绍了一下质量管理的概况,然后详细地介绍了质量管理的理论,并且着重从的各个来研究项目的质量控制。最后结合项目的质量管理,运用全面质量管理的理论从分析参与工程的各方入手,发现问题、解决问题介绍的质量管理,对今后类似项目质量管理起到指导和借鉴作用。 Abstract China's infrastructure is in a period of rapid development, and strengthen the whole process of construction project quality management, reasonable and effective use of the building and allocation of limited funding, in the same size, standard, time limit and under the conditions of the investment cost savings, and ensure the quality of the project in order to enhance the social benefits of construction projects. Although we have established the quality management of the whole process of concept to the whole process of understanding the need for quality management, but there are still many problems affecting the whole process of effective quality management. Currently in China there are still areas of the building works but the quality of the project. These phenomena are related to the quality of the various stages of construction projects is bound to have a link out of control. As the construction project itself has a large amount of investment, long construction period of the characteristics of the construction project must establish a quality control the entire process of a full range of management system. In this paper, an analysis of the current construction projects in China are prevalent in the quality of management issues, and explore how to improve the quality of the management of the whole process of th


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