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本 科 毕 业 论 文 题 目 宁波上市公司资本结构影响因素的实证研究 学 院 专 业 财 务 管 理 班 级 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 摘 要 资本结构是指企业全部资本的构成中所有者权益与企业负债两者各占的比重及其比例关系,是公司相关利益者权利义务的集中反映,影响着公司的治理状况和公司的价值。本文按照已有的国内外影响上市公司资本结构研究文献的五大因素,以宁波市上市公司为样本,利用描述性统计、相关性分析和线性回归,分析影响企业资本结构的因素是否以同样的方式影响宁波市上市公司的资本结构。 本文的实证研究证明宁波市上市公司的负债结构安排总体来看较为合理,流动性最高的四家上市公司负债比重高、风险大,应该合理地安排流动负债和长期负债的构成,其他上市公司的负债结构安排比较合理,应该继续保持现状。财务政策比较激进的公司应该合理地减少负债总额降低财务风险;而财务政策过于严谨的企业应该充分发挥债务的税盾作用和财富的放大效应。宁波市上市公司在进行资本结构决策时,应充分考虑公司规模和流动性对资本结构的影响,同时也不能忽视其他影响因素。只有全面考虑影响资本结构的因素才能保持上市公司的融资能力,并且很好地发挥其融资功能。 关键词: Abstract Capital structure is to show enterprise total capital in the formation of the owner's equity and enterprise debt both each in proportion of the relationship and proportion.Capital structure is the rights and obligations of the company stakeholders concentrated reflection of the company's governance and corporate value. This paper according to the existing domestic and foreign influence the capital structure of listed companies five factors of research literature , using Ningbo listed companies as a sample, using descriptive statistics, the correlation analysis and linear regression, and analysis of the factors that affect the capital structure in the same way whether the impact of Ningbo City, the capital structure of listed companies. This empirical study proves Ningbo listed company debt structure arrangement overall relatively reasonable, most liquid listed companies in four proportion of risky debt is high and risk is big, it should be reasonable arrangements for current liabilities and long-term debt structure, debt structure, other arrangements for listed companies is more reasonable, should continue to maintain the status quo. The financial pol


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