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优秀设计 全套CAD图纸或资料,联系qq 174320523 各专业都有 摘要 振动桩锤是惯性振动机械的一种,属于振动利用机械中的平面双轴式激振器。振动桩锤是利用机械振动减少桩与土壤间的摩擦力,并依靠其自重或外加压力作用下达到沉桩的目的。振动桩锤分机械式和液压式两类,液压振动锤应用较少。振动桩锤采用机械式定向激振器。它由两根装有相同的偏心块并相向转动的轴组成,两根轴上的偏心块所产生的离心力在水平方向上的分力相互抵消,而垂直方向上的分力叠加。振动桩锤主要由导杆、压缩弹簧、、振动箱、皮带轮等组成。具有贯入力强、沉桩质量好、坚固耐用 、故障少结构紧凑、低噪音、高效率、无污染 Abstract The vibration hammer is one kind of the inertial oscillation machinery, belongs to in the vibration use machinery the plane double shaft type driver. The vibration hammer uses friction to reduce the force between the mechanical vibrations pile and the soil, and depends upon it to be self-possessed or the sur- pressure function issues the goal of stake sinking. The vibration hammer divides the mechanical type and the hydraulic pressure type two kinds, the hydraulic pressure vibration hammer application are less. The vibration hammeruses the mechanical type direction detection driver. It is loaded with same lack of impartiality the piece and the opposite direction rotation axis by two is composed, on two axes lack of impartiality the piece produces the centrifugal force offsets or counteract one another in the horizontal side upward force component, but in vertical direction force component superimposition. The vibration hammer mainly by the electric motor, the guide rod, the compression spring, horizontal beam reducing inspires, a vibration box of body, the belt pulley and so on is composed. Has the penetrating power strongly, the quality of stake sinking is good, firm durable, the breakdown few, the structure is compact, the low noise, the high efficiency, does not have merit and so on pollution. Key words: Vibrates the machinery Vibratory pile hammer the inertial oscillation the spring reducing inspires 目 录 摘要 I Abstract II 第1章绪论 1 第2章 振动机械的用途、分类、工作原理及构造 2 2.1振动机械的用途和分类 2 2.1.1 振动机械的组成 2 2.1.2振动机械的用途 3 2.1.3 振动机械的分类 4 2.2惯性振动机械的工作原理与构造 5 2.2.1 惯性激振器的形式 5 2.2.3线性或近似线性的近共振类惯性机械 12 2.2.4非线性惯性振动机械 13 2.2.5冲击式惯性振动机械 14 2.3桩工机械的分类和工程应用 14 2.3.1桩工机械的分类 15 2.3.2桩工机械在工


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