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MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION LIU YAN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS DEP. Think What is management communication? Why do we study management communication? What can we learn from management communication? What is the relationship of management communication with other courses? How this course can help you You are speaking or writing to a new group of people. How can you enhance your credibility? How can you best persuade them? Writing takes you a painfully long time. How can you write faster? PowerPoint offers an overwhelming array of options for your slides. How can you get the most out of them? How this course can help you The thought of giving that presentation next week is making you nervous. What can you do to relax? People are not responding to your emails. How can you make them more effective? You’ve been assigned to a task force to develop a new corporate blog. How should you proceed? How this course can help you Your boss seems to be returning just about everything you write to be rewritten. How can you organize your ideas better? How can you write more concisely? You’re facilitating an important meeting or webconference next month. How should you prepare for it? Case 1 NOTICE The Metric System The British System The U.S. System The International System DO you know? Case 2 高科公司人才流失之反思 Disneyland Disneyland Disneyland Disneyland Disneyland Disneyland Case 4 Case 4 Case 4 Case 4 乙:静心的时候,可不可以抽烟? 甲:抽烟的时候,可不可以静心? Case 5 上海夫妇被美航班赶下飞机事件 事情回放 2012年2月1日,上海张女士和丈夫携女儿在美国关岛返回上海的航班上,因为行李安置问题与机组人员发生争执,结果被机长以“航空安全”为由报警并“请”下飞机。 此事一经媒体报道之后,引发网友热烈讨论。一位此事的目击者刘根荣先生发出微博,表示自己就是该次航班上的乘客。他向记者还原了整个事件的过程,并称当时张女士的丈夫用英文要求空乘住嘴,空乘表示受到了侮辱无法正常工作,张女士夫妇随后被“请”下飞机。 事情回放 起因:因行李放置发生争执 误会:用不礼貌英文让空姐闭嘴 场景:机上出现5名荷枪实弹的警察 美航回应:他们做出威胁举动 业内惯例:机长拥有最高处置权 再次提示:上飞机请听从机组人员 乔布斯的辞职信 To the Apple Board of Directors and the Apple Community: I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortun


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