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摘 要 伴随着我国工业的迅速发展,尤其是各大工厂的迅速崛起以及国内制造业的蒸蒸日上。同时,随着中小型制造公司的越来越多,竞争的愈来愈激烈。各大企业为了在竞争日趋激烈的市场获得最大的利润,纷纷提高各自工厂的生产效率,为了使工厂效益最大化,工厂在各自的制造生产以及管理环节大下功夫,也就是精益生产在生产方面的体现,因此,如何在竞争如此激烈的市场下站稳脚跟,甚至扩大盈利是各大企业必须面临的问题!如何利用现代化先进的管理手段,提高公司的管理水平,已经成为制造业发展的当务之急! 在工业社会向信息社会发展的时代,外部环境的动荡和复杂性日益增长,要求企业的决策更加正规化和科学化,信息交换更加频繁,参与决策的人员不断增加,要求举行更多会议的压力同举行更多会议的阻力的矛盾将更加突出。而信息系统可以帮助人们提高决策的效率和效果,通过系统迅速取得准确的依据。利用科技手段提高企业的生产效率以及管理成效无疑是首选的方案,虽然计算机管理并不是制造业管理走向成功的唯一元素,但它可以最大限度的发挥准确,快捷,高效等作用,对公司的协调管理提供强有力的支持,尤其在生产方面,我们的工厂主管以及管理人员可以方便快捷的获知工厂的生产状况,然后做出必要的生产调整,也就是将生产信息化,效率更高,前景很广阔! 关键词:生产信息化;计算机管理;生产状况 Abstract Along with the rapid development of China's industry, especially the rapid rise of large factories and domestic manufacturing flourishing. Meanwhile, with more and more small and medium-sized manufacturing companies, competition is increasingly fierce. Major companies in order to maximize profits in an increasingly competitive market, have increased the productivity of each plant, in order to maximize the benefits of the plant, the plant great efforts in their respective manufacturing and management aspects, that is, lean production in terms of production the embodiment, therefore, how to gain a firm foothold in such a competitive market, and even expand its profit major companies must face! How to use modern advanced management tools to improve the management level of the company, has become the top priority of the development of the manufacturing industry 牋牋 營n the development of the industrial society to the information society era, the turbulence of the external environment and increasingly complex, requiring the more formal and scientific decision-making, more meetings pressure resistance contradiction with more meetings will become more prominent. Information systems can help people to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the decision-making through the system quickly obtain accurate basis, to resolve their differences, to make correct and timely reaction to changes. Use of te


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