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JogOff(Yaxis) Page 48 ‘ Now stop it Sleep(1000) JogOn(Yaxis, Minus) ‘ Jog the Y axis in the minus direction for one second Minus = 1 Plus = 0 Zaxis = 2 Yaxis = 1 Xaxis = 0 ‘ Define some constants Example: None Return Value: 2=Z, 3=A, etc. Axis is an Integer, specifying the axis for which to disable jogging. 0=X, 1=Y, Arguments: conjunction with JogOn() to jog an axis under control of a script. This function is used to stop jogging of the specified axis. It is typically used in Function JogOff(Axis As Integer) JogOff See also: End If Message “Error! No YHOME input is defined” If IsSuchSignal(YHOME) = 0 Then ‘ Is a YHOME input signal properly defined? Example: defined Signal definition state, as an Integer. 0 = signal is not defined, 1 = signal is Return Value: CB Constants), or other value or expression that evaluates to one of those values. SignalID must be one of the pre-defined Mach3 CB output signal constants (see Arguments: a PROBE input is properly defined before trying to do probing. zero return value indicates the signal is defined. This can be used, for example, to ensure Config-PortsPins. A 0 return value indicates the signal is not defined, while a non- This function returns an Integer value indicating whether the specified signal is defined in Page 47 Function IsSuchSignal(SignalID As Integer) As Integer IsSuchSignal IsMoving() See also: Wend Sleep(100) While Not IsStopped() Sleep(100) ‘ Wait for SafeZ move to complete GotoSafeZ() ‘ Move Z axis to Safe_Z position Example: 1 if all axes are currently stopped 0 if any axis is currently moving Return Value: None Arguments: complete. This is a compl


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