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Rich Media best practices MySpace marquee YouTube masthead LCDs Rich Media specs Rich Media Spec Collection Template Agency: Client: Campaign Name: Launch Date: Site Name Site Contact Name Site Contact Email URL of Specs Ad Type Description Ad Type Dimensions (Width x Height) Expanded (Pixels) Expand Direction Initial Size (Kbytes) Subsequent Size (Kbytes) Back up GIF (Kbytes) Must have a click call to action Animation Video Audio Expansion Method: Mouse over or click to expand Hotspot Requirements Close Button Requirements Additional Information Duration: Looping: FPS: Duration: Auto play allowed (yes or no): Streaming or progressive: Duration: Rich Media Specs LCDs *NOTE* DCLK requires assets to be delivered 9 business days prior to launch Homepage Mast Head Specs /support/youtube/bin/static.py?page=guide.csguide=30071topic=30072answer=187015 Homepage Expanding Mast Head Specs /support/youtube/bin/static.py?page=guide.csguide=30071topic=30072answer=187092 Homepage Tandem Mast Head Specs /support/youtube/bin/static.py?page=guide.csguide=30071topic=30072answer=187090 Technical Specifications Formatting * Dimensions: 970x250 pixels * Expanded on-click dimensions: 970x500 pixels * Expanded Panel: Only one expanded panel allowed * Needs to collapse and video must stop on clickthrough * Format: Rich Media Flash based creatives processed through DoubleClick Studio * Frame Rate: Up to 24 fps * Bandwidth Detection: Available when using DFA only Load Requirements * Initial Load Size: 50 KB is strongly recommended for fastest initial load time. Up to 75 KB (including the close buttons other mandatory components.) * Subsequent Polite Load Size: Up to 1MB. Video played through the YouTube AS3 Video component is not counted toward the 1MB cap. * Includes: additional animation, autoplay, and/or call to action dynamic flash * User-initiated Load Size: Up to 1.5 MB for SWFs (animation/interaction) and 10 MB for non-YouTube served FLV video. *


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