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Unit 1 Warming up ? 1. F? 2.NG? 3.T Listening Short conversations ? 1. C? 2.D?? 3.A?? 4.D?? 5.B?? 6.A?? 7.D?? 8.C?? 9.A?? 10.B Long conversation ? 1.A?? 2.C?? 3.B?? 4.B?? 5.D Passage ? 1.B?? 2.A?? 3.C?? 4.C?? 5.C Radio program ? 1. a journalism degree ? 2. pretty good ? 3. about what she has ? 4. you just want more ? 5. protective of his family Homework Task 1 ? 1.C?? 2.C?? 3.A?? 4.D?? 5.B Task 2 ? 1.A?? 2.C?? 3.D?? 4.C?? 5.D Task 3 ? 1.slice ? 2.misunderstandings ? 3.beautiful ? 4.benefits ? 5.wellness ? 6.range ? 7.explicit ? 8.has been tracking more than a million sujects since 1979 ? 9.have fewer heart attacks and lower cancer rates ? 10.a strong sense of connection to others and in satisfying relationship Unit 2 Warming up ? 1. Running, swimming, and lifting weights ? 2. Exercise makes him happy, keeps his stress level down, and gives him all sorts of energy ???? for his work and family. ? 3. Well, there is no swimming pool near my home and i can’t swim every day. But anyway, I? ?? cann run in the morning . There are many benefits to exercising. They include a strong??? body, an improved mood, longer life, better appearance and an overall sense of well-being. Listening Short conversations ? 1.C?? 2.C?? 3.B?? 4.A?? 5.D?? 6.B?? 7.C?? 8.D?? 9.A?? 10.A Long conversation ? 1.D?? 2.C?? 3.A?? 4.B?? 5.A Passage ? 1.B?? 2.D?? 3.D?? 4.C?? 5.A Radio program ? 1. the quality of school menus ? 2. moving into the neighbourhood ? 3. eats fast food ? 4. the Chicago study ? 5. children’s eating habits Homework Task 1 ? 1.A?? 2.B?? 3.C?? 4.D?? 5.B Task 2 ? 1.A?? 2.B?? 3.D?? 4.C?? 5.D Task 3 ? 1. advancements ? 2.physical ? 3.depression ? 4.condition ? 5.mentioned ? 6.admit ? 7.combat ? 8.high-fiber and vitamin-rich foods, such as vegetables and fruits ? 9.should give up smoking if they haven’t already done so ? 10. No section of the population can benefit from exercise. Unit 3 Warming up ? 1. made him successful ? 2. what others are doing ? 3. they are successful Listening Short


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