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国银金融租赁有限公司、民生金融租赁股份有限公司: CDB Leasing Co., Ltd. Minsheng Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.: 我方在此确认将参加双塔奇缘——国银--民生金融大厦建筑设计方案竞赛,并遵守本次竞赛活动的一切规则,按照《双塔奇缘——国银--民生金融大厦建筑设计方案竞赛竞赛文件》的要求提交成果。 We here confirm the participation in the Schematic Design Competition of the Two Towers---- CDB Tower and Minsheng Financial Tower and we will comply with all the rules during the competition. Lastly, we will hand in the submission in accordance with the Competition File for the Schematic Design of the Two Towers---- CDB Tower and Minsheng Financial Tower. 我方已认真研究了贵公司公布的相关文件和资料。如我方设计竞赛成果获得认可,我方同意根据贵公司和政府部门的意见及时对设计竞赛成果进行修改完善,并承诺如期签订和履行《设计合同》,否则将承担由此给贵公司造成的损失。 We have carefully read the relevant documents and material publicized by you. If our submission is recognized in the final competition, we promise to improve the submission according to the opinion of you and related governmental department and sign the Design Commission Contract here. Otherwise, we will bear the consequences. 同时我方承诺,一旦中标不会因为公司运营问题而影响完成本项目的设计工作。 Once awarded the tender, we promise that the companys operational issues won’t affect us to complete the whole project design. 组成本次竞赛的参加机构如下: Participants as follows: 主参加设计机构((加盖公章): The participants (with official seal): 法人代表或委托人(签字) : Legal Corporate representative or client (signature): 地址Address: 电话Tel: 传真Fax: 日期Date: 参加机构(加盖公章):(如有更多参加机构,可加行) Participants (with official seal):(lines can be added for more participants) 法人代表或委托人(签字) : Legal Corporate representative or client (signature): 地址Address: 电话Tel: 传真Fax: 日期Date: 为方便联系,我方指派 (先生/女士)出任本次竞赛工作联系人。联系电话: ,邮递地址: To facilitate communication, we assign (Mr. / Ms) as this consultation contact. Tel: Mailing Address: 特此函告 It is hereby announced as above. :


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