国际结算(双语) 全套课件.ppt

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International Settlements 国际结算 《国际结算》课程的性质 《国际结算》是国际金融学的一个分支,从微观角度探讨国际间货币运动的理论与实务问题,主要研究结算工具,结算方式和以银行为中心的资金划拨清算,其主要目的在于以最科学,最有效的方法来清算国与国之间以货币表现的债权债务关系. 《国际结算》课程的性质 《国际结算》商业银行国际结算业务紧密相关的,注重理论在实际业务中应用,具有很强的专业性和实务可操作性,也是一门适应我国银行业务与国际银行业务接轨需要, 与国际惯例紧密联系,具有很强国际性的专业课程. 《国际结算》课程的目的 通过《国际结算》的教学,要求学生能够掌握国际结算的基本理论,基本知识和基本技能;做到理论与实际相结合,能够运用理论知识为指导进行国际结算的实务操作的实用型、实践型、实干型人才。 《国际结算》课程所处的位置 先修课程为《货币银行学》、《货币金融学》、《国际金融学》;后续课程包括《外汇银行会计》,《国际融资实务》、《进出口单证实务》等 《国际结算》的教学重点 以课堂讲授为主 课程的重点有两个: 一是国际结算方式,即汇款,托收,信用证; 二是国际结算单据.通过案例教学,实训室软件模拟操作,习题练习等办法解决. About the course International settlements is also a course of our country' s banking business linking up with the world ' s banking business , it lays stress on handling international business in English in accordance with international practice . Our Purpose For the sake of helping students to learn international settlements and to have a good grasp of basic theory , elementary knowledge and fundamental technical ability of this course ,so we teach partly in English . What will you learn in this course? 1. Three financial instruments: bill of exchange(汇票), promissory note(本票), check (cheque支票) 2. Three main international settlement methods remittance(汇款), collection(托收), letter of credit(信用证) 3. Other documents commercial invoice(发票), transport documents(运输单据), insurance documents(保险单) 4. International customs and practice for international settlements URC522(托收统一规则), UCP600(跟单信用证惯例) How to study this course? 提前预习与课后复习结合; 理论知识与实务操作结合; 考勤和平时作业考察与考试相结合. Outline Chapter 1. Introduction to International Settlement Chapter 2. Instruments Chapter 3. Remittance Chapter 4. Collection Chapter 5. Letters of Credit Chapter 6. Documents Related to International Settlement and Examination Chapter 7. Other Methods of Settlement System Chapter 8. International Non-Trade Finances Chapter 1. Introduction to International Settlement 国际结算概述 In this chapter,you will learn: 1.1 Definition 1.2 Types of International Settlement 1.3 History


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