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2012年12月大学英语六级考试多题多卷(三)答案详解 Writing 内容同2012年12月大学英语六级考试多题多卷(一)答案详解 Reading Comperhension (Skimming and Scanning) 1.【线索词】paper textbooks B)【定位】由线索词定位到第一段第三句…students are still hauling around bulky, old-fashioned textbooks-and loving it. 【精析】细节推断题。根据定位句可知,学生们仍然乐此不疲地抱着那些笨重又老式的教科书到处走,可见纸质教科书在他们的学习中仍起着不可替代的作用,故答案为B)。 2.【线索词】 frustrating C)【定位】由线索词定位到第三段第三句Textbooks are expensive-a years worth can cost $700 to $900-and students frustrations with the expense… 【精析】细节辨认题。根据定位句可知,纸质教科书价格昂贵,这让许多学生对其花费很沮丧。题干中的frustrating to与原文中的frustrations with属于同义转述,C) They cost too much money与原文中的Textbooks are expensive表述一致。 3.【线索词】the nonprofit Web site at Hamilton D)【定位】由线索词定位到第四段末句Here at Hamilton,students this year have a new way to avoid the middleman:a nonprofit Web site, created by the colleges Entrepreneur Club, that lets them sell used books directly to one another. 【精析】细节辨认题。根据定位句可知,学生们可以在Hamilton学院的企业家俱乐部创办的非营利性网站上面直接买卖二手书,而无需通过中间商。D)中的sell books to each other without a middleman与原文中的sell used books directly to one another为同义表达,故答案为D)。 4.【线索词】Victoria Adesobas case A)【定位】由线索词定位到第七段For all the talk that her generation is the most technologically knowledgeable in history, paper-and-ink textbooks do not seem destined to disappear anytime soon. 【精析】细节辨认题。根据定位段可知,纸质教科书似乎并不注定会随时被他们所淘汰,A) Printed textbooks will not disappear any time soon与原文中的paper-and-ink textbooks do not seem destined to disappear anytime soon表述一致,故答案为A)。 5.【线索词】prefer B)【定位】由线索词定位到第十一段“Students grew up learning from print books,”said Nicole Allen... “so as… its not surprising that they prefer a format that they are most accustomed to.” 【精析】细节辨认题。根据定位段可知,这些学生都是看着印刷的书本长大的,他们到高校之后仍然喜欢一直以来最习惯的书本,这一点并不奇怪。B)中的have been used to their format ever since childhood与原文中的prefer a format that they are most accustomed to为同义表达,故答案为B)。 6.【线索词】Tracey Weber, the best way A)【定位】由线索词定位到第十五段“The real obstacle is getting them to try it,”said Tracey Weber... 【精析】细节推断题。根据定位段可知,Tracey Weber认为真正的障碍是让他们去尝试电子教科书,也就是说,她认为要扩大电子教科书销量的最好办法是先让学生免费试用,故


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