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姓名 云径平 年龄 42 学科、专业 肿瘤学 Name Yun JIng-Ping Date of birth Mar.1965 Major oncology 职称 副教授 传真 020联系电话 020805 Current position Associate Professor Fax 8620 8734 3392 Tel 8620 8734 3206-805 电子邮件 yunjp@mail.sysu.edu.cn E-mail yunjp@mail.sysu.edu.cn 申请导师简介(中英文,500字以内)Introduction of supervisor (in both Chinese and English; aximum 500oords) 2002年获香港中文大学博士学位。同年被聘为中山大学肿瘤防治中心副教授,副主任医师, 硕士生导师;2007年被批准为博士后指导老师。《proteomics》审稿人;《中华肿瘤防治杂志》编委;《肿瘤防治研究》审稿人;中山大学中山医学院蛋白质组实验室特聘专家。 研究方向:肿瘤生物学;目前具体研究课题:Nucleophosmin/B23在细胞周期及细胞增殖中的作用机制以及在临床肿瘤病理诊断与分型中的价值和意义。专业特长:肿瘤生物学研究和临床病理诊断。 研究项目及经费:自2002年起先后承担国家自然基金2项,广东省自然基金2项,国家留学回国人员基金1项,广州市科委重点引导项目1项,985学科建设重点项目1项;中山大学基金2项,肿瘤医院基金2项。参加基金项目:卫生部基金1项,广东省科技厅重点项目1项。 发表论文:自2002年起,以通讯作者已发表文章共9篇,其中4篇SCI文章;另外5篇在中国核心杂志发表。以参加作者已发表文章共5篇,其中3篇为SCI文章。参编《现代临床肿瘤学》。 Dr Yun was awarded Ph D degree of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and employed associate professor of Cancer Center of Sun Yat-Sen University in the year of 2002. He was approved as supervisor of postdoctoral fellow of this University in 2007. He was ever a peer reviewer of the international journal Proteomics and now appointed editor of the Chinese journals: Chinese Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment, Cancer Research on Prevention and Treatment. Dr Yun’s professional specialty includes onco-biological research and onco-pathological diagnosis. His recent research focuses on nucleophosmin/B23’s mechanism in cell cycle and cell proliferation and seeking molecular marker relative to pathological diagnosis and classification. He have set up a research team including postdoctoral fellow, graduate students and technician, and established a research lab. His team recently obtained five grants of cancer research including two NSFC grants. He as corresponding author recently published four articles in the international journals including Br J Cancer, J cell Biochem, and BMC Cancer. 二、招收博士后拟承担或开展的主要研究任务(中英文)main task for post-doctorate research(in both Chinese and


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