汽车专业英语project8 Maintenance Reception.pptVIP

汽车专业英语project8 Maintenance Reception.ppt

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东北大学出版社 高职高专改革创新示范教材 Project 8 Maintenance Reception * 改革创新示范教材 * Project 8 Maintenance Reception ?掌握有关客户投诉 (Customer’s Complaint)、维修 接待(Maintenance Reception) 以及用户反馈(User Feedback)的 相关英语对话的要点 知识目标 能够用英语进行简单的汽车维修 前台接待 能够与客户进行简单的维修预约 能够与客户用英语处理好投诉 能够与客户进行信息反馈 能力目标 改革创新示范教材 * Task 1 Reply for Customers’ Complaint and Answer Reservation Phone 1.New words and expressions maintenance ?[?meintin?ns] n.维修,保养 reservation ?[?rez??vei??n] n.预订;保留 complaint ?[k?m?pleint] n.抱怨,诉苦;投诉 tire ?[?tai?] n.轮胎 v.(使)疲劳,(使)厌倦 deviation ?[?di:vi?ei??n] n.背离,偏离;偏差,偏向;离题 convenient ?[k?n?vi:ni?nt] a.省力的,方便的;近处的,近便的 maintain ?[mein?tein] vt.维持;维修,保养 inquire ?[in?kwai?] v.打听,询问,查询 make a complaint 抱怨,投诉 wheel alignment 车轮定位 run deviation 跑偏 as soon as possible 尽早,尽快 regular maintenance 定期保养 知 识 准 备 改革创新示范教材 * Reply for Customers’ Complaint 任务 实施 Dialogue 1 A: Hello, this is Ford 4S store, New Century Automobile Company. B: Hi, I’m afraid I have to make a complaint with your company. A: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. What’s it about? B: My car was changed into new tires and carried out wheel alignment the other day. But I found that there must be something wrong with the angles, because the front wheels run deviation. A: So sorry, we apologize for causing you much inconvenience. If convenient, you could drive back to our company. We will check it again. B: OK, how about tomorrow? A: No problem, May I know your name and car number? B: This is Johnson, A 0168 A: I’ll make an arrangement as soon as possible. See you tomorrow. B: Thank you, see you. 改革创新示范教材 * Answer Reservation Phone 任务 实施 Dialogue 2 A: Hello, this is Amy, Ford maintenance receptionist. What can I do for you? B: Hi, I want to have a 10,000 km regular maintenance for my car. A: OK, could you please tell me your name and the car number? B: My name is Mike, and the number is NB906. A: Please wait a moment. I’m inquiring about your car information. Oh, your ca



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