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Text analysis 何荣辉 2011.4.1 Content Analyze the structure Translate the text Check the exercises Add some supplementary material concerning on how to read news Unit 1 Translation 1. 珠海海关开始对这家中外合资公司的走私活动展开非正式调查。 (begin an informal probe into) Zhu Hai Customs begins to carry out/conduct an informal probe into the smuggle activities of the Sino-foreign joint venture. 2. 梦工场动画公司因股价的暴跌,推迟新股的发行 。(slump) DreamWorks Animation Company delayed the issuing of the new stock due to the slump of the stock price. Unit 1 Translation 3. 每次有大片上映,都会出现观看的热潮.(rush out) When there is a big film release, everyone rushes out to see it. 4. 每年春节过后,游客人数越来越少。 (tail off ) The tourists tail off after the Spring Festival. 5. 节省成本会使利润上涨。 (drive...up) Saving /Cutting the cost will drive the profits up Unit 2 Translation 1. 你方还价与当前市价不符,我方不予答应(counter-offer, in line with) Your counter-offer is not line with the prevailing market. We can not accept it. 2. 自由贸易区使东南亚国家获利甚多,同时中国向这些国家出口的产品也增多了。(reap the benefits of) The ASEN reap the benefits of FTA, while/meanwhile more Chinese products are exported to these countries. 3. 政府开始就农产品如蔬菜和水果等实行减进口税的计划。(initiate) The government initiates to conduct tariff-cut schedules on imported agricultural products, such as vegetablesand fruit. Unit 2 Translation 4. 外资的流入引起了专家和政府官员的关注。(arouse concern) The flow of foreign capital has aroused concerns among experts and officials. 5.企业家必须认识及时调整商业策略的重要性。(adjust) The entrepreneurs must recognize the importance of adjusting business strategies in time. Unit 3 Translation 1. 我们受当地法律的约束。(be subject to) We are subject to the local laws. 2. 有时,出于税收的原因,发行股票对公司十分有利。(go public) Sometimes it’s very beneficial for a company to go public for tax reasons. 3. 税率的变动也可以对股票购买方式产生影响。(have an impact on, stock-buying patterns) Changes/fluctuation in tax rate can have an impact on stock-buying patterns. Unit 3 Translation 4. 政府正在采取更加严厉的措施对付未成年人喝酒的问题。(tighten up) The government is tightening up measures against underage/minor d


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