【高考复习】2016届人教新课标,全国卷地区专用英语一轮复习课件—必修4 Unit 1Women of achievement.ppt

【高考复习】2016届人教新课标,全国卷地区专用英语一轮复习课件—必修4 Unit 1Women of achievement.ppt

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【温馨提示】 refer to中的to为介词,后接名词、代词或动名词等作宾语。 【易混辨析】 refer to与look up (1)refer to作“查阅”讲,后接表词典或参考书等的词。 (2)look up作“查阅”讲,后接被查找的东西。 返回目录 Unit 1 Women of achievement 考点互动探究 【活学活用】 (1)[2014?四川卷?阅读D] This typical sleep pattern is usually referred to as the “night owl” schedule of sleep. 这种典型的睡眠模式通常被称作“猫头鹰”型睡眠。 (2)Don't look up new words in a dictionary while having an exam.=Don't refer to/consult a dictionary while having an exam. 考试时不准查字典。 返回目录 Unit 1 Women of achievement 考点互动探究 (3)They insisted that the cruel man _____________________________________________ the traffic accident be sentenced to death. 他们坚决要求把那个与那次交通事故有关的残酷的家伙判处死刑。 (4)__________________in the book is how to make good use of limited earth resources. 这本书中所涉及的是如何利用好有限的地球资源。 返回目录 Unit 1 Women of achievement referring to/who was referred to What is referred to 考点互动探究 6 intend vt.(to have a plan)想要, 打算;(to design for a specific purpose)为特殊目的而设计 (1) had intended to do sth/intended to have done sth          本来打算做某事 intend that…(should) do sth 打算……(应该)做某事;主张……(应该)做某事 (2)be intended to do sth/for sth 为……打算(或设计)的 (3)with the intention of 抱有……的目的 返回目录 Unit 1 Women of achievement 考点互动探究 【活学活用】 (1)[2014?江苏卷?阅读B] Say you intend to watch a football match but the tickets are expensive and it will take you a couple of hours to get to and from the stadium. 假设你打算看一场足球赛但是票很贵,而且往返体育馆要花你几个小时的时间。 (2)I saw a man walking across the street with the obvious ____________ talking to me. 我看到一个人正在穿过大街,很明显地,他是想跟我交谈。 返回目录 Unit 1 Women of achievement intention of 考点互动探究 (3)They ____________ to go to the country for the day, but were put off by reports of traffic jams. 他们本来打算那天到乡下去,但听说交通拥挤就推迟了。 (4)The school being built at present is said____________________ the disabled children. 正在建设中的学校据说是为残疾儿童设立的。 返回目录 Unit 1 Women of achievement had intended to be intended for 考点互动探究 7 deliver vt. (to bring or transport to the proper place; to distribute)递送,交付,运载;(to help a woman to gi



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