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摘 要 摘 要 胎儿损害赔偿问题是近些年来,随着科技的进步,人类生活、医疗条件的大幅度提 高,随之而来的很多不良的问题出现,例如交通事故、环境污染,伴随着这些问题而出 现的。 人类的生命从胎儿时期就面临着许多危险,因此在近代胎儿在民事诉讼中的主体 地位成立与否的基础理论,得到了很多学者与司法工作者的重视与研究,产生了很多有 关胎儿主体理论的学说,进而对胎儿是否享有生命权、健康权、受抚养权等进行了讨论 研究。 生命是自然人行使各项权利的基础,胎儿是生命的开始阶段,对于一个自然人个 体的生命保护,应该从胎儿开始,因此,应该赋予胎儿生命权,从而更好的保护自然人 起始阶段的生命,在此基础上,我们才能更好的探讨胎儿的健康权和受抚养权,只有赋 予了胎儿生命权、健康权和受抚养权,才能形成有关胎儿人身利益的损害陪产请求权当 事人理论、损害赔偿请求权范围理论和诉讼时效理论。也只有这样才能推动我国的立法 才能完善,才能使司法具有切实可行的操作性。 关键词 胎儿权利主体 生命权 健康权 受抚养权 损害赔偿请求权 I Abstract Abstract The problem of fetal damage in recent years, as technology advances, human life, substantial increase in medical conditions, followed by a lot of bad problems, such as traffic accidents, environmental pollution, along with these problems the fetus Problems emerged. From the womb of human life are faced with many dangers, so the fetus in the modern dominant position in a civil action whether or not the basis of established theory, many scholars and judicial attention and research workers, resulting in many of the fetal body theory Doctrine, then whether the right to life of the fetus, health, dependents of the right, were discussed. Exercise their natural right to life is the basis for the beginning of fetal life, a natural person for the protection of individual life, it should start from the fetus, therefore, should give the fetus the right to life, protection of natural persons in order to better the lives of start-up phase On this basis, we can better explore the fetus the right to health and dependent, and onl



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