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9-* Risk Management in Practice Which Goals? The treasury function of most firms is usual considered a cost center; it is not expected to add to the bottom line However, in practice some firms’ treasuries have become aggressive in currency management and act as profit centers Which Exposures? Transaction exposures exist before they are actually booked yet some firms do not hedge this backlog exposure However, some firms are selectively hedging these backlog exposures and anticipated exposures 9-* Risk Management in Practice Which Contractual Hedges? Transaction exposure management programs are generally divided along an “option-line;” those which use options and those that do not Also, these programs vary in the amount of risk covered; these proportional hedges are policies that state which proportion and type of exposure is to be hedged by the treasury 外汇风险管理 (二)经济风险的管理 1.Diversifying operations经营多样化 是指在国际范围内分散其销售、生产地址以及原材料来源地。这种经营方针对减轻经济风险的作用体现在两方面。 第一,企业所面临的风险损失基本上能被风险收益弥补,使经济风险得以自动防范。 第二,企业还可主动采取措施,迅速调整其经营策略,如根据汇率的实际变动情况,增加或减少某地或某行业等的原材料采购量、产品生产量或销售量,使经济风险带来的损失降到最低。 外汇风险管理 (二)经济风险的管理 2.Diversifying Financing财务多样化 是指在多个金融市场、以多种货币寻求资金来源和资金去向,即实行筹资多样化和投资多样化。这样,在有的外币贬值、有的外币升值的情况下,公司就可以使大部分外汇风险相互抵消。另外,由于资金来源和去向的多渠道,公司具备有利的条件在各种外币的资产与负债之间进行对抵配合。 经营风险管理 一、风险对冲 二、货币风险分担 三、背对背贷款 四、货币互换 五、提前和滞后策略 六、再开票中心 * 背对背贷款 背对背贷款:两家跨国公司相互提供本币贷款,然后母公司再将所得贷款转贷给自己设在对方国家的子公司。 货币互换:两个公司交换以不同货币表示的债务,双方互相支付固定数额的利息,在到期日,将本金以商定的汇率换回。 互换协议 外汇风险管理 (三)折算风险的管理 实行资产负债表保值,一般要做到以下几点: 1.弄清资产负债表中各账户、各科目上各种外币的规模,并明确综合折算风险头寸的大小。 2.根据风险头寸的性质确定受险资产或受险负债的调整方向。如果以某种外币表示的受险资产大于受险负债,就需要减少受险资产,或增加受险负债,或者双管齐下。反之,如果以某种外币表示的受险资产小于受险负债,就需要增加受险资产,减少受险负债。 3.在明确调整方向和规模后,要进一步确定对哪些账户、哪些科目进行调整。 9-* Summary of Learning Objectives MNEs encounter three types of currency exposure: (1) transaction; (2) operating; and (3) translation exposure Transaction exposure measures gains or losses that arise from the settlement of financial obligations whose terms are stated in a foreign curr



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