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* * * * * * * * * * * * Dynamic and Buoyancy Pressure A rising thermal plus… Unix basics Some Unix basics (basis of Linux and Mac OS X) The command prompt is $ (do not type it) Unix commands presented in Courier font $ ls [lists your “visible” files] $ ls -a [lists all files, including invisible] $ ls -al [lists all files, includes size other info] $ pwd [print working directory - shows your location] Some Unix basics (continued) $ mkdir TEST [makes a directory called “TEST”] $ cd TEST [changes directory to “TEST”] $ cd .. [moves UP in directory hierarchy] $ cd TeST [command should FAIL… Unix is usually CASE SENSITIVE – though it isn’t on Mac] Some Unix basics (continued) $ touch crap.txt [makes an empty file] $ nedit crap.txt OR $ kwrite crap.txt [invoked Notepad-like text editor on Synoptic Lab machines] [add some text, save file and exit] $ ls -al crap.txt [see it’s there] $ cp crap.txt crap.txt.backup [make a copy with cp] $ rm crap.txt [the remove command. Asks for confirmation. Don’t type ‘y’] $ \rm crap.txt [remove without confirmation. Think before hitting ENTER!] Some Unix basics (continued) $ mkdir BACKUP [makes a new directory] $ cp crap.txt.backup BACKUP/. [type exactly as written - there is NO space before the period] [the period means “keep the same name”] $ ls -al BACKUP/ [see a copy is in the new location] $ mkdir BACKUP/more_backup [a new subdirectory in a directory] $ cd BACKUP/more_backup [move to new subdirectory] $ cd $ pwd [cd by itself always takes you to your home directory] Some Unix basics (continued) $ cp /home/fovell/part* . [asterisk is wild card character] [copies all files matching text pattern to your directory] $ ls part* [lists files matching pattern] $ cat part1 part2 both_parts [concatenates files] [greater-than sign is output redirect] $ more both_parts [more lists contents, one screen at a time] [hit space bar for next screenfull, type “q” to quit] Your Unix PATH $ cp /home/fovell/execute_me


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