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GMAT 语法改错精解(刘振民) GMAT 语法改错精解(刘振民) 第一篇 总论 一、GMAT 句子改错题的要求 GMAT 句子改错题在笔考时,一般有22 道题,限时25 分钟完成,其基本要求如下: Direction :In each of the following sentences,some part of the sentence or the entire sentence is underlined .Beneath each sentence you will find five ways of phrasing the underlined part .The first of these repeats the original ;the other four are different .If you think the original is the best of these answer choices,choose answer A ;otherwise,choose one of the others .Select the best version and fill in the corresponding oval on your answer sheet . This is a test of correctness and effectiveness of expression .In choosing answers,follow the requirements of standard written English ;that is ,pay attention to grammar ,choice of words, and sentence construction .Choose the answer that produces the most effective sentence;this an —swer should be clear mad exact,without awkwardness ,ambiguity,redundancy ,or grammatical error. 在实行CAT 考试后,该要求没有变化,只不过题量减少了,约为16~18 题。 二、GMAT 改错题的正确选项的特征 在GMAT 中,改错题与其他英语考试中的改错题并不太一样,它更强调表达的准确性和 有效性,而不像TOEFL,只着重语法错误。那么,初学者会问,就ETS 而言,在GMAT 改 错中,当把正确答案替换到原句中,该句子应具有什么样的特征呢?笔者认为,该句子至少 有以下3 个特征: 1 .保证原句基本意思及保持原句重心。也就是说,句子的原意不能发生改变,同时原句 的主从关系不能发生改变,作次要成分的不能充当句子的主要成分,而句子的主要成分不能 下降为从属地位,作修饰成分。 2 .意思单一,简洁有效。即在句子中,不能出现模棱两可、含糊不清的意思表示。同时 表达尽量简洁,不要I 罗嗦,能用短语表达的,就不用从句;能用一个词表示的,就不用词 组。 3 .5 个中的最优。而并非最完美的表达。 下面:我们以一个例子来说明以上几点: F—l Beatrix Potters,in her book illustrations,carefully coordinating them with her narratives, capitalized on her keen observation and love of the natural world. (A)Beatrix Potters,in her book illustrations,carefully coordinating them with her narratives, (B)In her book illustrations,carefully coordinating them with her narratives,Beatrix Potter (C)In her book illustrations,which she carefully coordinated with her narratives,Beat—rix Potter (D)Carefully 000rdinated with her narratives,Beatrix Potter ,in her book illustrations, (E)Beatrix Potter,in her book illustra


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