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第三章 礼仪祝词 Chapter 3 Ceremonial Speech 第三章 礼仪祝词 (Ceremonial Speech) Ceremonial speeches are addresses given by important statesmen or high-level officials on a variety of formal social occasions. Ceremonial speaking usually includes speeches of introduction, opening and anniversary, welcome and farewell, inspiration, celebration, and giving and receiving awards. The style of interpreting: 1. to speak fluently, accurately with appropriate choice of words and rhythm; 2. to fully convey the emotion of the speakers and help build up the atmosphere of the ceremonies; Vocabulary Work host the Six-Party Talks: 主办六方会谈; a peaceful resolution: 和平解决; play a constructive role:发挥着建设性作用; trading partners: 贸易伙伴; fully integrate into the rules and norms of the international trading and finance system: 与国际贸易和金融系统的规章和准则全面接轨; national dignity: 民族尊严; in the spirit of mutual understanding and respect: 本着相互理解和相互尊重的精神; Vocabulary Work social welfare: 社会福利; an efficient allocation of resources: 资源有效配置; side effects: 副作用; institutional arrangements: 制度的安排; allocation mechanisms: 分配机制; mechanism design theory: 机制涉及理论; games of incomplete information: 不完全信息下的博弈; Vocabulary Work 新领军者年会:Annual Meeting of the New Champions; 建立世界经济新秩序:establish a new international economic order; 从封闭半封闭经济到开放型经济的转变:from a closed and semi-closed planned economy into an open socialist market economy; 从温饱不足到总体小康的转变:from lack of basic living necessities to moderate prosperity; 社会转型时期:social transformation; 以人为本:put people’s interests first; 在平等互利原则基础上:on the basis of equality and mutual benefit; Vocabulary Work 圆满结束:conclude with complete success; 非常重视:attach great importance to; 欠发达地区:underdeveloped areas; 中国-非洲投资贸易介绍会:Information-sharing Meeting on China-Africa Investment and Trade; 投资环境:investment climate; 南南合作:South-South cooperation; 公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序:the establishment of new international political and economic order which is just and ration



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