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Why can the Japanese people live so long? Look at the following pictures. 1.What are they doing? Detailed-reading 1. Please underline all the aspects that may affect people’s lifespan(寿命) in the passage. 2. Let’s decide if they are healthy (H) or unhealthy (U). They eat a lot of fish. They often get stressed out. They work long hours. They usually walk a lot. They take crowded trains. Many older people live with their children. Many people drink and smoke. They don’t get a lot of sleep. They rarely take vacations. H U U H U H U U U conclusion Although the Japanese people have some unhealthy living habits, they still live the longest. That is because they_______________, they _______________, and they _______________. So we can say these three are the most important. Exercise The children ran up the ______ to the third floor. The ______ with him is that he doesn’t really want to study. You look tired—you should take a ________. People are not allowed to drive after drinking _______. I ________ that we go out to eat. Grandpa is still very _______, although he is nearly 80. Three people were ______ in the car accident. You should control your ______ if you want to lose weight. Group work What about your living habits? Have a discussion and share your living habits with us. Write a concluding sentence for the paragraph below I’m 70 years old. I’m retired, but I volunteer three days a week at a local school. There I teach the children how to read. I enjoy outdoor activities, and fishing is high on the list. I go to the doctor every year for a check-up. ___________________________. Writing Read the paragraphs and underline the concluding sentence for each one. Summary In this class, we have learned: some new words and phrases some healthy and unhealthy living habits and why the Japanese people live the longest. the usage of the concluding sentences Homework Read the further reading Write a letter to your parents or your friend



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