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本科生毕业论文(设计) 题目:企业线上渠道引发的冲突及管 理策略 线上营销渠道,渠道冲突,传统营销渠道,管理策略 Online channel trigger conflicts and enterprise management strategy ABSTRACT With the rise of the network marketing, more and more businessmen also focus to online sales channels, however, as the online marketing channels gradually rise, also led to a series of new type of channel conflict, for multi-channel strategy of enterprises, in the online channel marketing strategy at the same time, must deal with channel conflict, otherwise will exacerbate the channel conflict, at last do more harm than good. This paper from three parts, the first part from the relevant concepts of channel transformation, analyzed the connotation of the transformation channel and the necessity; Then, the second part from the types of several lead to channel conflict problem analysis, find causes of channel conflict; Finally, according to the present problems, from a couple of reasons lead to channel conflict, analyzes about the new channel conflict, puts forward the corresponding solution comment. Hope this article to the channel managers and researchers in this emerging channel after some reference. Key words: online marketing channels, channel conflict, the traditional marketing channels, management strategy 目 录 1 企业渠道转型的内涵及必要性 1 引 言 1 1.1 企业渠道转型的内涵 1 1.2 企业渠道转型的必要性 2 1.2.1 商品流通周期长, 流通成本高 2 1.2.2 流通组织庞大, 流通范围较小 2 1.2.3 无法做到定制销售 3 2 建立线上渠道引发的渠道冲突 4 3 渠道冲突的管理策略 7 4 结束语 10 参考文献: 11 致 谢 12 百货 因此,企业线上营销渠道便是借助网络来实现消费者的购物、商户之间的交易和货款支付的一种新型商业运营渠道模式。相对于传统营销渠道而言,网络营销渠道最大的特点便是除了有形商品的位置移动外,交易过程全部在网络上完成。网络强大的信息传递能力和信息传递的低成本,使网络赢得了信息高速路的美名,人们在这条信息高速路上甚至可能产生空间距离仿佛已经完全不存在了的错觉。 典型的网络营销渠道运营模式如图1-1。 图1-1 典型的网络营销渠道运营模式结构图 1.2 企业渠道转型的必要性 企业的传统渠道从出现到现在已经有了上千年的发展史,虽然现在的传统营销渠道模式与早期传统营销渠道模式有了极大的改进。但是在企业线上营销渠道兴起的今天,传统渠道与线上渠道相比较,还是有以下这些自身无法克服的缺陷和劣势,这也成为了企业转型的不得不进行的原因。 1.2.1 商品流通周期长, 流通成本高 传统营销渠道方式需要借助多级中间商来完成商品分销的过程。由于中间商的存在,消费者不需要直接与生产者交易,极大地降低了消费者的购买成本,但也使使生产者从繁琐的商品销售中解脱出来,专门从事生产工作,然而独立的中间商的存在,大大增加了商品流通的时间成本和物质成本。 而企业线上


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