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毕业设计(论文) 常州机电职业技术学院 毕业设计(论文) 作 者: 赵伟 学 号: 系 部: 车辆工程系 专 业: 汽车技术服务与营销 题 目: 我国家用轿车运行成本分析 指导者: 刘勺华 向轻松 评阅者: 2013年5月 毕业设计(论文)中文摘要 随着汽车消费的不断升温,关于汽车消费领域的问题也越来越多。由于汽车独有的消费特性,使得购买汽车后的运行成本,包括燃油费、停车费、养路费在内的不菲的养车费用,成了众多有车族的心患。不少有车族因此感慨:“买得起车养不起车”、“买得起马配不起鞍”。而交通、保险、停车等问题,同样使其在无形之中付出了诸如生态、环境、时间等的无形用车成本。下面,通过对车制造企业的生产成本和生产现场的研究, 总结了一套生产成本管理的模式, 并且探讨了生产成本管理在汽车制造业中的应用。逐一分析家用轿车的各项运行成本费用,包括涉及经济领域方面的有形成本和社会生态、环境等方面的无形成本。 关键词: 毕业设计(论文)外文摘要 Title: Abstract: With the family car is becoming more and more popular, cars into the family has become reality soldiers people in Chinas automobile gradually become the new trend of development of, but the car purchase the running costs after (including tangible cost and intangible costs) is not ignored. With the increase of consumption, car on the problem of the consumption field will be more and more. Due to the unique characteristics of the automobile consumption, make the operation cost for buying a car, including fuel, parking, road maintenance fees, the expensive car ownership cost, became the heart of many motorists with suffering. Many motorists so regrets: can afford a car couldnt afford it, can afford horse matchs saddle. And the traffic, insurance, parking, also make the express in such as ecological environment, pay the invisible, time and so on transport costs. Below, each family cars will be analyzed the operation cost cost, including economic field physical and social ecology environment, the cost of intangible costs Keywords: Consumption characteristics Operation cost economy 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 有形成本分析 1 1.1.1 税收费用 1 1.1.2 燃油费用 1 1.1.3 停车费用 1 1.1.4 维修保养费用 2 1.1.5 轿车美容费用 2 1.1.6 保险费用 3 1.1.7 其他费用 3 1.2无形成本分析 4 1.2.1 时间成本 4 1.2.2 环境及健康成本 4 1.3 研究目的与内容 5 2 中国汽车成本分析 6 2.1 生产成本分析 6 2.1.1 人力成本分析 6 2.1.2 设备和产权均摊成本分析 7 2.1.3 零部件成本分析 7 2.1.4 技术研发成本 8 2.2 销售成本分析 8 2.2.1 广告费与公关费 9 2.2.2 免费保养费用 9 2.2.3 驻外人员工资福利 10 2.3 税金分摊 10 2.4 本章小


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