汽车新能源技术应用与发展 毕业设计论文.doc

汽车新能源技术应用与发展 毕业设计论文.doc

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高 等 教 育 自 学 考 试 毕业设计(论文)说明书 汽车检测与维修专业(本科) 市  地: 准考证号: 姓 名: 毕业设计(论文)任务书 题目: 汽车新能源技术应用与发展 本环节自2013年 3月 8 日起至2013年 6 月 7 日 进行地点: 河南职业技术学院 内容要求:毕业设计说明书(论文)要求层次分明、文理通顺 、数据可靠、文字简练、说明透彻、立论正确、推理严谨。 汽车新能源技术应用与发展 摘 要 能源危机和环境污染是21世纪世界各国面临的两大难题。为缓解并最终解决能源的供需矛盾,改善日益严峻的环境状况,世界各国和地区正在积极开展可再生能源的研究与开发。对于这种高消耗能源和高污染的现代工具来讲,实现生态能源汽车的研发与使用具有重大意义。 汽车新能源技术繁多,新能源汽车发展方向如何。本课题以此为出发点,着重分析目前主要的新能源汽车技术以及这些技术的优缺点,得出电动汽车将是未来发展趋势。然后探讨电动汽车充电站整车充电、更换电池两种运营模式,最终得出未来充电站将以更换电池为主,整车充电为辅的主流模式。 关键词:新能源汽车,新技术,发展趋势,充电站 AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF NEW ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES ABSTRACT Energy crisis and pollution of the environment are 21th centuries the international community faces of two greatest hard nut to crack. For alleviate to combine end solution energy of supply and demand antinomy, improve rigorous environment condition, international community and region be actively developing day by day can the research and development of renewable energy. Speak for the modern tool of this kind of high depletion energy and high pollution, carry out development and use of ecosystem energy car to have great significance. Automobile new energy technology is various and what is the direction of new energy vehicle development. This article is on the basis of what is mentioned above as a starting point, focusing on the analysis of the current main new energy vehicle technologies and the advantages and disadvantages of them to draw the conclusion that electric vehicles will be a trend in the future development; then explores the two operating modes of vehicle charging station, that is electric vehicle charging station and battery replaced charging station, and ultimately comes to conclusion that the future will be based on the battery replaced charging station, supplemented by the mainstream model of vehicle charging. KEYWORDS: new energy vehicles, new technology, d



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