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新诺亚外语培训学校教案 B lesson 81 teacher: Olivia杨淑红 Title Lesson 81 Teaching aims Let the students learn some new words and expressions; Understand the idea of the passage; Master the method of reading: skimming, scanning and careful reading; Increasing the confidence in learning English. Teaching important points and difficult points Teaching important points: new word: prisoner bush rapidly uniform rifle shoulder march boldly blaze salute elderly grey sharp blow 2. KS Difficult points; 1.How to use these words flexibly 2. KS Teaching methods Communicative method and task-based method Teaching assistant Blackboard recorder time First hour Teaching designs: SStep 2 Lead-in movie: 《越狱》 Let the students read the text loudly, then ask some students to read the text. Step 3 First reading 1) Read the passage quickly and try to understand the main idea of the story Step 4 Careful reading Step 5 New words and phrases ★ prisoner (1) n. 囚犯 jailbird (2) n. 俘虏 POW:a prisoner of war 战俘 prison 监牢、监狱 (jail) be in prison = be in jail 坐牢 break prison = break jail 越狱 他被释放了。 He has been released from jail. ★ bush 灌木丛(比tree低而且多枝) 蔷薇丛 a rose bush beat the bush 到处搜寻 beat around the bush = beat about the bush 绕弯子说话,转弯抹角说话 bushy adj. 灌木丛生的;茂密的 ★ rapidly adv. 迅速地 (反义詞slowly) speak rapidly 迅速地说 speak more rapidly更迅速地说 rapid (1) adj. 迅速的(反义詞slow) more rapid → the most rapid (2) adj. 快速的 、敏捷的 a rapid stream 急流 a rapid worker 工作快速的人 eg:He took a rapid glance at me. 他快速的看了我一眼。 eg:Rapid progress was made. 进步很快。 eg:Her thinking was rapid. 她的脑筋反应很灵敏。 rapids n. 急流 ra‘pidity n. 迅速、速度 with rapidity 非常迅速地 with astonishing rapidity 以惊人的速度 ★ uniform (1) n. 制服 a school uniform 校服 in uniform 穿着制服 out of uniform 穿着便服 eg:All the students must wear uniforms at our school. 在我们的学校所有学生必须穿校服 (2) adj. 相同的、同行的 a row of uniform



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