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Unit 4 Section A The Great TV Turn-off Teaching Aims: In this section, students will be able to: 1、get the main idea of Section A 2、master the new words, phrases and expressions 3、improve their Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing. 4、master the usage of “what it’s like to do/be” and “must do/must done” Teaching Contents: 1、Vocabulary and phrases impress, project, touch, blank, blow, neglect, handle… go without, as/so long as, in the habit of, blow off… 2、Sentence Structure What it’s like to do/be must do/must have done Teaching approaches: Task-based Approach; Communicative Language Teaching; Activity Teaching Approach; Question-answer Teaching Approach. Teaching Aids: Multimedia, tape Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Greetings and revision Step 2 Lead in and exploring What would you do if you couldn’t watch TV for a week? Panic might be your first reaction, but you would soon find there are many things to do other than to watch TV. There are few people who do not watch TV now. Do you like watching TV? Bedsides watching TV, what else do you do in your spare time? Many people say they cannot imagine what life would be like without TV. Discuss with your classmates what are the advantages and disadvantages of TV. Step 3 New word and phrases 1. Asking students to read the new words by themselves. 2. Asking students to read new words after the teacher. Step 4 Skimming 1 Ask students to read the text as quickly as they can and tried to get the main idea of this passage. 2 Ask students to read the text again , then finish the exercises on P66 Step 5 Language Points 1. The great TV turn-off. 拒绝电视大行动 turn-off n. 1)(机器等的)关闭,断开 2)岔路,支路 e.g. This is the turn-off for York.这条路通向约克。 turn off sth 离开一条路(以转向另一条路) turn on/off 打开、关闭 turn up/down 调高/调低 turn out (to be) 结果是 原来是 2. “We are what?” I asked. I was not impressed. impress v. 1) 给…深刻的印象 e.g. She didn’t impress me at all. 她没给我留下丝毫印象.


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