渭南化工厂供配电系统设计 毕业设计(论文).doc

渭南化工厂供配电系统设计 毕业设计(论文).doc

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渭南化工厂供配电系统设计 Design of Power Supply and Distribution System in Weinan Chemical Plant 摘 要 毕业设计是学生走出校门、走向社会相关工作岗位的一道考核,也是一次对所学知识的巩固程度的大考验。 针对大中型化工厂的配电系统要求可靠性高,并且设备多,系统复杂等特点。本设计提出了工厂变电站系统的设计的课题,要求设计系统的部分一次的总体接线图,设计主要的二次系统图纸,并计算主变压器容量以及配置,主要的线路的线缆的规格和主要开关、刀闸的容量等。论文中要列出主要的计算过程,主要包括主变压器的设计和主要线路的设计计算。 电能是工厂运作的主要能源,对工厂的正常运作有举足轻重的作用,因此如何进行合理用电、安全用电、节约用电、高质量用电已经成为工厂建设和运行的主要问题之一。工厂的安全正常运作、节电节能、提高工厂用电效率,都必须有一个安全、可靠、经济、合理的供电系统和使用电能的系统保障,才能实现工厂电能利用、和节省电能的理想化、经济化 关键词:配电系统设计 短路电流 变压器容量选择 电气设备选择 Abstract The graduation design is an assessment that students get out of school to work in social. It is also a major test for knowledge that student acquire in four years learning. The design requires that on the basis of layout and distribution of various types of construction in University campus, to design the distribution system for the entire campus, to facilitate school logistics sector‘s management. And as much as possible to optimize the resources of distribution, reduce costs. The design includes the selection and arrangement of the various transformers, relay switch, line, the wiring of relevant parts and emergency power supply, etc. Gained power situation, electricity load data, meteorological data, on the basis of analysis of the information given to achieve a safe, reliable, high-quality, economical power supply system design goal. Completing a total of determining the number, capacity and type of the transformer, selecting the main junction line programs ,the high and low voltage equipment ,the inlet and outlet wire, determining the secondary circuit program and select the relay protection devices. I consolidated and deepen the understanding of the relevant professional knowledge learned in the three years, obtained practical experience during the design. So as to lay a good foundation for the future to complete the related designs, as well as have a comprehensive assessment of the learning outcomes. Key words :distribution system substation short circuit transformer


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