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中国美食地理之长沙 李梦鸽 吉林大学汉语国际教育 chánɡ shā 长沙:首批国家历史文化名城,湖南省省会,湖南省的政治、经济、文化、交通和金融中心,中南地区重要的交通、航运和科教中心,全国文明城市,The first batch of national historical and cultural city, the capital of hunan province, hunan provinces political, economic, cultural, transportation and financial center, central south region important transportation, shipping and science and education center, is a famous landscape continent city, national civilized city, 长沙是楚文化和湖湘文化的发祥地之一,中国历史上唯一经历三千年历史城址不变的城市,有文字可考的历史3000多年Changsha is one of the birthplace of chu culture and hunan culture, Chinese history, the only experience fo the same three thousand - year - old city, there are words can take an examination of the history of more than 3000 years 长沙属亚热带季风气候。气候特征是:气候温和,降水充沛,雨热同期,四季分明。Changsha belongs to subtropical monsoon climate. Climate characteristics: mild climate, abundant precipitation, rain heat over the same period, the four seasons. kǒu wèi xiā kǒu wèi xiā 口 味 虾 :是湖南省著名的汉族小吃,以小龙虾制成,口味辣鲜香,色泽红亮,质地滑嫩,滋味香辣。20世纪末开始传遍全国,成为人们夏夜街边啤酒摊的经典小吃Is famous in hunan province han snacks to small lobster, spicy taste delicious, red color, tender texture, taste spicy. The end of the 20th century began to spread across the country, become a classic summer night street beer stands snacks 特别是湖南卫视《快乐大本营》的传播,口味虾一时风靡全国,众多演艺明星来长沙做节目时必然忘不了吃口味虾。Especially the spread of hunan satellite TV happy camp, taste shrimp swept the country at the moment, many entertainers to changsha do show will forget to eat taste shrimp. chòu dòu fu chánɡ shā chòu dòu fu 长 沙 臭 豆 腐 :闻起来臭,吃起来香气四溢,这是臭豆腐的特点Smells rotten, tastes fragrant, it is the characteristic of stinky tofu chòu dòu fu 臭豆腐是有着丰富文化的民间休闲小吃,距今已有近千年的历史,其最风光的时代可追溯到清宣统年间,慈禧太后赐名“青方”,使得臭豆腐立即名扬天下Stinky tofu is with rich folk culture leisure snacks, it has been nearly one thousand years of history, its the scenery of times can be traced back to the qing xuantong emperor, empress dowager cixi given name green square, makes the stinky tofu immediately becomes fa


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