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.If Winter comes,can Spring be far behind?    如果冬天来了,春天还会远吗?     —— Percy Bysshe Shelley * * Life Education Marriage Friendship with Byron A second marriage Death Percy Bysshe Shelley Mary Shelley? Harriet Westbrook Byron William Godwin friends former wife wife tutor daughter Education Grown up in a patrician(贵族) family Early education at home At 12,entered?Eton College. He was called “mad Shelley” for his rebellion(叛逆)at school. At 18, ?he?was admitted?to?Oxford.?Legend has it that Shelley attended only one lecture while at Oxford, but frequently read sixteen hours a day. Marriage The 19-year-old Shelley?eloped(私奔) to Scotland with the 16-year-old Harriet Westbrook, a pupil at the same boarding school as Shelley‘s sister. He was increasingly unhappy in his marriage to Harriet.?Shelley accused Harriet of having married him for his money.?He admired more intellectual female companionship, he began spending more time away from home, among other things, studying Italian and visiting the home and bookshop of William Godwin.? Marriage In 1814, Shelley abandoned Harriet( now pregnant with their son Charles). He ran away to Switzerland with Mary(16) and her stepsister Claire along. The three sailed to Europe, and made their way across France to Switzerland on foot, reading many books. Friendship with Byron In mid-1816, Shelley and Mary made a second trip to Switzerland. During this time , they met Lord Byron, one of the greatest British poets . Then they became friends. Byron A second marriage After Harriet Shelley's suicide in 1816, Shelley and Mary officially married. The following year Shelley and Mary left England and settled in Italy. Mary Shelley? Death On July 8th, 1822, Shelley was drowned while sailing in the Bay of Spezia. (August 4, 1792 – July 8, 1822 ) To Mary,《致玛丽》 The Revolt of Islam,《伊斯兰的反叛》 A Starving Mother,《饥饿的母亲》 Prometheus Unbound,《解放的普罗米修斯》 Rosalind and Helen,《罗萨林和海伦》 The Se


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