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奥巴马就职演讲 奥巴马就职演讲 We are, and alas ill be, the United States of Ameria. 我们是,并且永远是美利坚合众国。It?s the anser that led those ho?ve been told for so long b so man to be nial and fearful and doubtful about hat e an ahieve to put their hands on the ar of histor and bend it one more toard the hope of a better da. 这是一个引导人们的答案, 太多的人在很长的时间内给他们说这个答案,以至于 他们对此持愤世疾俗的态度, 对我们是否可以再一次把握历史的希望感到担心和 怀疑。It?s been a long time ing, but tonight, beause of hat e did on this date in this eletion at this defining moment hange has e to Ameria. 已经过去了很长时间,但是今晚,由于我们今天在这场选举所采取的行动,在这 个决定性的时候,变革来到了美国。A little bit earlier this evening, I reeived an extraordinaril graious all from Sen. MCain. 今晚早些时候,我接到来自参议员麦凯恩的一个极具风度的电话。Sen. MCain fought long and hard in this ampaign. And he?s fought even longer and harder for the ountr that he loves. He has endured sarifies for Ameria that most of us annot begin to imagine. We are better off for the servie rendered b this brave and selfless leader. 麦凯恩在这场选战中进行了长期和艰苦的努力, 他为这个他所爱的国家战斗了更 长的时间, 作出了更艰苦的努力。他为美国承受了我们中的大多数人无法想像的 牺牲。由于这位勇敢和无私领导人的服务,我们的生活变得更好。I ongratulate him; I ongratulate Gov. Palin for all that the?ve ahieved. And I look forard to orking ith them to rene this nation?s promise in the months ahead. 我向他表示祝贺,我向佩林州长表示祝贺,向他们所取得的成果表示祝贺,我盼 望与他们共事以继续这个国家在未来岁月的承诺。I ant to thank m partner in this journe, a man ho ampaigned from his heart, and spoke for the men and omen he gre up ith on the streets of Sranton and rode ith on the train home to DelXXre, the vie president-elet of the United States, Joe Biden. 我想感谢我在竞选旅程的伙伴, 一位用心竞选的男士,一位为和他一起在斯克兰 顿街头一同长大的男人和女子代言、经常坐火车回特拉华州的男士,美国当选副 总统拜登。And I ould not be standing here tonight ithout the unielding support of m best friend for the last 16 ears the rok of our famil, the love of m life, the nation?s next first lad Mihelle Obama. 如果没有我过去16年最好的朋友、我们家庭的中坚、我生命中的挚爱,我今天晚 上不可能站在这里,美国下一位第一夫人米歇尔· 奥巴马。Sasha and Malia I love ou both more than ou an imagine. And ou have earned the ne pupp that?s ing ith us to the ne White House. 萨沙和马莉娅,我爱你们,我对


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