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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RBUC integrated RBAC and UCON to provide flexible access control for coalition environment, not only has RBAC flexibility , but also has great UCON features, such as use control,continuity of decisions and mutability of attributes. * * * * * * The Internet, being a standard way to communicate, has become a standard way to exchange information or perform electronic transactions from anywhere in the world. Purchasing products and services online is becoming a way of life for millions of people and businesses. The information exchanged between parties on the Internet in most cases is sensitive and must be protected. The communicating parties most often are strangers because they do not share the same security domain and will not have a local login. Traditional security approaches require a stranger to pre-register in order to establish trust, but the traditional way is not good enough. The client usually has no proof of the server’s identity, and the server cannot really trust that you are who you said you were on the registration form, so the paradox between strangers continues. * costituisce un nuovo approccio alla realizzazione di sistemi di autorizzazione tra soggetti sconosciuti * Access control policies work well in closed systems with a known set of subjects and static objects. The targeting of our research is an open environment where subjects are characterized by their role or other attributes. Policies must express trust requirements by means of credentials proving properties of the counterpart * Il modello di Tn costituisce un nuovo approccio alla realizzazione di sistemi di autorizzazione tra soggetti sconosciuti attraverso lo scambio di credenziali che descrivono attributi di interesse dei partecipanti. * Access Control in Databases: Next Steps Access Control in Databases will continue to be very important We also need to examine alternatives We need new kinds of access control models 1975 models may not


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