A Brief Analysis on Hope and Redemption in the Film  浅析电影《肖申克的救赎》中的希望与救赎.doc

A Brief Analysis on Hope and Redemption in the Film  浅析电影《肖申克的救赎》中的希望与救赎.doc

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A?Brief?Analysis?on?Hope?and?Redemption?in?the?Film? The?Shawshank?Redemption By ××× A thesis submitted to the Foreign Language and Literature Department of ×××××× in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of BACHELOR OF ARTS in ENGLISH LANGUAGE ××× May, 2012 A?Brief?Analysis?on?Hope?and?Redemption?in?the?Film? The?Shawshank?Redemption Abstract: This paper intends to analyze the hope and redemption in the film The Shawshank Redemption. Through three main characters’ feeling about the prison and free, we can know their faith and different hope thoroughly. Hope and redemption is couple of opposite words. Hope in the film is the theme. People can not abandon the hope, and we should strive for it for all our lives. Hope like a lighthouse to light up the path ahead for everyone. Everyone will make mistake, so we should be required introspection and self-analysis. Self-analysis is a requisite procedure to deal with some important things. We can find out the approach to solve the problem. This paper also remains the relationship between the hope and redemption. And according to the background of the movie, we can understand the social problem in that period. In a summary, this movie is a mirror of the black part of the society, in which there are oppression and abnormal treatment, but with hope, people can be free successfully, and also can achieve the redemption. Key words: The Shawshank Redemption; hope; redemption; self-analysis; faith; friendship. 浅析电影《肖申克的救赎》中的希望与救赎 【内容提要】这篇论文旨在分析电影《肖申克的救赎》中的希望与救赎。通过对电影中三个具体人物的分析并简述他们在肖申克监狱中及出狱后的不同感受及心理变化,更好的了解了三人对待自由的不同理解。希望与救赎本是一对立义,希望是电影的主旨思想,只有坚守希望及自己的信念,不放弃梦想,才能最终走向成功。电影中,还有一更能令人思考的话题,便是救赎。无人能无错过完一生, 过错伴随着人的一生,怎样面对,怎样反省才更为重要。时时反省自己,就是对错误的救赎。不断的在错误中反省,更能清楚问题的所在,对事物的看法也就更清晰分明。文章更提出救赎与希望的互补关系,两者是相辅相成。通过对电影本身这面镜子,能够更清楚的看清当时社会的各种黑暗面,但是更让人们看到了想所带来的力量,它既能成全自由,又能完成自我救赎。不要放弃希望与信仰,便离成功不远。 【关键词】《肖申克的救赎》;希望;救赎;自我反省;信仰; CONTENTS I Introduction 1 II A Brief Analysis on Th



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