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重庆文理学院 学士学位论文 文化与高中英语阅读教学 论文作者: 指导教师: 学科专业:英语(师范方向) 研究方向:教学法 提交论文日期:2007年 月 日 论文答辩日期:2007年 月 日 学位授予单位:重庆文理学院 中 国 · 重 庆 2007 年 月 BA Dissertation Chongqing University of Arts and Science Culture and English Reading Teaching in Senior Middle School Foreign Languages Department Chongqing University of Arts and Science April 2007 Table of Contents 中文摘要 I Abstract II 1 Introduction 1 2. Definition of Culture 1 3 Culture and English Reading Teaching in Senior Middle School 2 3.1 Function of Culture in English Reading 2 3.2 Current Situation of English Reading Teaching 4 3.3 Suggestions on Culture Teaching 5 3.3.1 Enriching Teachers’ Culture Knowldege 5 3.3.2 Motivating Students’ Interest on Culture 6 4. Conclusion 8 Bibliography 10 Acknowledgements 11 摘 要 阅读能力对于学习一种语言是至关重要的,它是掌握一门语言的基本技能, 也是获取信息的工具。不断提高英语阅读能力也同样是在高中英语教学中实施素质教育的一部分。然而,在许多阅读材料中都包含着大量的文化知识。只有增强了学生的文化意识,他们才能把阅读材料理解的更加透彻,并把阅读变为一件乐事。 这篇论文,基于相关研究,探讨了文化在高中英语阅读教学中重要性,也分析了其存在的问题. 针对这些问题,该论文提出了建议。 关键词:文化、英语阅读、高中 Abstract Reading is an essential ability to learn a language. It is the basic skill of mastering a language as well as a tool to obtain information. Improving English reading ability gradually is also a part of carrying out quality education in English teaching in senior middle school. However, in many reading materials, there is much culture knowledge. Only students strengthening their culture awareness, they can understand the materials clearly, and make reading an enjoyable thing. This paper, based on some researches, discusses the problems of cultural teaching in senior middle school English reading and the importance of learning culture. According to the problems, this paper gives some suggestions. Key words: culture, English reading, senior middle school Culture and English Reading Teaching in Senior Middle School Introduction It is well known that cultivating students’ reading ability is an important motive in senior middl


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