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苗族简介50字 苗族是一个世界性的民族,在五大洲都有足迹,主要分布在泰国、法国、英国、澳大利亚、美国等国家。国内主要分布在贵州、湖南、云南、四川、广西、湖北、等。黔东南地区的苗族就占全国苗族总人口的四分之一,贵州苗族有 100 多个支系 。 苗族支系按其服饰的色彩有“红苗”、“花苗”、“青苗”、“白苗”等称谓,其衣带用红者称红苗,湘西黔东一带是红苗的分布中心, 该支系自称“果熊”,使用语言为苗语湘西方言,可分为东部次方言和西部次方言。红苗是苗族的一个分支,每逢重大节庆,红苗都要穿着自己独特的苗族服饰载歌载舞地庆祝。 海贝苗清代则称之为“白苗”、“高坡苗”,民国以后至今,则有“白苗”、“高坡苗”、“海贝苗”、“红毡苗”“背牌苗”等多种称谓。 高坡乡虽然贫寒,却哺育着在这里世代繁衍生息的苗族人民,勤劳而勇敢的苗族先民和她的后人们,在这片土地上传承和发展着独特而神奇的高坡苗族文化。这里有隆重盛大的“四月八”节、庄重神奇的射“背牌”活动、欢快的正月“悼洞”,还有神秘而奇异的洞葬和悬棺、芦笙是人们用来表达爱慕、和对死者的哀悼和思念。 中华人民共和国成立后,人民政府经过社会调查,按照该民族的意愿,统一称为“苗族”。 Miao is a world nation ,they have footprint in five continents, mainly distributed in Thailand, France, Britain, Australia, the United States and other countries. The domestic main distribution in Guizhou, Hunan, Yunnan, Sichuan, Guangxi, Hubei, etc. Miao nationality is accounted for a quarter of total population of the miao in QianDongnan, Guizhou miao has more than 100 branches According to the colorful costumes have “red miao” “multicolour miao” green shoots, Bai Miao appellation, Dress is red call red miao. Red miao mainly distributed in Guizhou East, West of Hunan. They call themselves GuoXiong .Use the language is the language Xiangxi dialect, which is divided into East and West dialect. Their wearing unique miao dress singing and dancing joyously to celebrate ,Whenever there are major festival activities. Haibei miao branch of the qing dynasty is known as the BaiMiao, Gaopo miao , after the republic has, Haibei miao , red felt miao back brand miao and so on the many kinds of appellation . Gao Po village although poor, but nurturing the generation born and lived here of the miao people, industrious and brave miao ancestors and her people, on this land inheritance and development with unique and wonderful spirit of the miao culture. Here have grand April Eight Festival”, magical shot back brand activities. Lusheng is made in bamboo that is used to express love and to deads mourning After the establishment of the Peoples Republic of China, the


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