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Unit 7 the qualities required of a salesperson courage/strong will/ perseverance/ hard work, physical fitness/energetic/strong in body, pleasing tone of voice, thick-skinned (to protect against the weather and against constantly having the door shut in your face Proverbs and Quotations 1. Nothing is impossible to a willing mind. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。 2. Something attempted, something done. 有所为,必有所成。 3. Every tragedy makes heroes of common people. -- Norman Stephens, American writer 每场悲剧都会在平凡的人中造就出英雄来。 — 美国作家 N. 斯蒂芬斯 Today, we are going to learn a true story about a willing mind, a hero of common people – Bill Porter. Life of a Salesman Imitation of Sentences Rewrite the following sentences after the model, making them as brief as possible. Model: -- Do you want to buy any jams? -- No. Maybe I’ll buy nothing today. -- Jams? -- No. Maybe nothing today. 1. 系鞋带 2. 想做某事 3. 一群 4. 超出自己的极限 5. 招聘广告 6. 家用物品 7. 零售推销员 tie ones shoes feel like doing sth a pack of rise above ones limitations help wanted ads household products a retail salesman 16. 失去平衡 17. 擦鞋摊 18. 让某人下车 19. 在打电话 20. 肥皂用完了 21. 躺(或坐)着 22. 过着离群索居的生活 23. 神经系统 off balance a shoeshine stand drop sb. off on the phone be out of soap off one’s feet lead a solitary life nervous system THE END * Making a Living Science and Technology of Electronic Information department Niu Meihua Warm-up Questions: 1.Have you ever experienced being a salesperson at spare time? 2.Do you think door-to-door sale is a good way to sell products? 3. What are the qualities required of a salesperson? 4.Do you think it is easy for a disabled person to be a salesperson? Why or why not? Tom Hallman Jr., a Portland, Oregon native, has been a journalist for 35 years. He is the author of two books, the most recent of which -- A Strangers Gift: True Stories of Faith in Unexpected Places -- will be released April 3. 1. Is there anythin


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