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圆形连线数学游戏 数学与艺术有着密切的联系,一些数学图形常常会带给我们美感。下面,我就就为大家介绍一个有趣的数学游戏,通过这个游戏我们能非常轻松地绘制出美丽的图案。 1、先画一个圆,并在圆上平均分布一些点,这里就画80个点,如图。按顺序给这些点编上号,这里给最下面的点编上0,再按逆时针方向依次增加。 2、再来找一个函数解析式,如y=x+30,从编号为x的点连到编号为y的点(这里是从0连到30,从1连到31,从2连到32……从99连到29),这样就连出了100条线段,再看看结果吧,如图。 这样就完成了。 再来试试其他的函数解析式和总点数吧,如下图。 y=4x(600个点): y=x/2(200个点): y=x2(1500个点): y=x5(1800个点): y=x5(2000个点): y=x mod 3(600个点): 这个有点像孔雀的羽毛。 y=log (x+1)*8000(1000个点): 好了,我就展示到这里了,感谢大家的阅读! Manufacturing transformation and development planning1 comprehensive strength of the manufacturing industry to upgradeRelying on good traffic conditions and location advantages of the industrial base, the manufacturing industry comprehensive strength steadily, the total size of the total, technical level, economic benefits and so on in the country has become the cornerstone of the precedent, the citys economic and social development and an important support. 12th Five-Year period, the total industrial added value, the average annual growth rate of dada%, the amount of the total amount of investment of the citys industrial enterprises with an average annual growth rate%, above scale industrial enterprises realized a total profit of the average annual growth rate of%.xx years, the citys above scale industrial output mode billion yuan output value of over 80 billion yuan of industrial dada to 8, above scale industrial added value billion yuan, industrial growth. Added value accounted for GDDP%, the resident population per capita GDP reached million, ranked second in XXX Province, the national large and medium-sized cities in the forefront.2 continuous optimization of industrial structureThe benefit oriented, high end orientation and the direction of intensive development, gradually increase efforts to promote the transformation of industrial structure adjustment and optimization of industry has made remarkable achievements. As to XX, machinery, textile, pe



